Bearing Friction Loss

Bearing is modeled as revolute joint or bushing force. In order to calculate the loss of the bearings, selected a rotational joint or bushing force. And then input the friction coefficient and radius of the bearing. Bearing Friction Loss does not appear to "Contour".

Figure 12.112: Description of Bearing Friction Loss

Bearing Friction Loss

Friction energy between the bearing and shaft

  • Description of Bearing Friction Loss

    (Rotational axis is must Z-axis.)

Description of Bearing Friction Loss : Friction coefficient between the bearing - shaft

Description of Bearing Friction Loss : Axial load of selected bearing (N)

Description of Bearing Friction Loss : Bearing angular velocity (rad/s)

Description of Bearing Friction Loss : Bearing Diameter (mm)

Figure 12.113: Bearing friction Loss

Bearing friction Loss

Friction coefficient and Bearing Diameter is user input. The angular velocity and axial load is calculated by the selected entity (Bearing).