
  • Involute type

Figure 14.94: Internal gear set specifications (Involute)

Internal gear set specifications (Involute)

Figure 14.95: Internal gear set specifications (Involute)

1. ModulemN/A
2. Pressure angleβN/A
3. Helix angleαN/A
4. Number of teethzN/A
5. Profile shift coefficientxN/A
6. Center distanceaInternal gear set specifications (Involute)
7. Pitch diameterdpzm
8. Base diameterdbInternal gear set specifications (Involute)
9. Addendumha

Internal gear set specifications (Involute)

Internal gear set specifications (Involute)

10. Dedendumhf

Internal gear set specifications (Involute)

Internal gear set specifications (Involute)

11. Tooth depthh2.25m
12. Tip diameterdaInternal gear set specifications (Involute)

Internal gear set specifications (Involute)

13. Root diameterdfInternal gear set specifications (Involute)

Internal gear set specifications (Involute)

Note that not all of these parameters are shown in the figure above.

  • Cycloid type

Figure 14.96: Internal gear set specifications (Cycloid)

Internal gear set specifications (Cycloid)

Figure 14.97: Internal gear set specifications (Cycloid)

1. ModulemN/A
2. Helix angleβN/A
3. Number of teethzN/A
4. Center distanceaInternal gear set specifications (Cycloid)
5. Base diameterdb
6. Tip diameterdaN/A
7. Root diameterdfN/A

Note that not all of these parameters are shown in the figure above.