Bearing Stiffness

This output is the bearing stiffness.

Figure 14.267: Definition of Bearing stiffness

Axial_ZdFZ (AMK, BMK, RMK) / dDZ (AMK, BMK, BMK)Force/Length
Radial_XdFX (AMK,BMK, RMK) / dDX (AMK, BMK, BMK)Force/Length
Radial_YdFY (AMK,BMK, RMK) / dDY (AMK, BMK, BMK)Force/Length
Tilt_XdTX (AMK,BMK, RMK) / dROLL (AMK, BMK)Torque/Length
Tilt_YdTY (AMK,BMK, RMK) / dPITCH (AMK, BMK)Torque/Length

The action marker (AMK) is the action marker for the bearing force on the outer raceway. The base marker (BMK) is the base marker for the bearing force on the inner raceway. The first reference marker (RMK1) and second reference marker (RMK2) are located at the points corresponding to the action and base marker on the reference body in the Assembly Manager, respectively.