Use the definitions below to help you understand the various terminology used within the Rocky user interface (UI) and user assistance content (this document).
A to M
- airflow
Short for "1-Way LBM", and previously known as "Lattice Boltzmann Air Flow", this method uses coupled gas dynamics to simulate how air, dust, or other gas flows around the particles and boundaries in your chute design. This kind of CFD is done entirely within Rocky and is not coupled with Ansys.
- Assembly
When referring to particle shapes, these are made by combining the shapes of two or more rigid, *Particle sets* to form a single, unique particle.
- block
One of many cube-like segments that were made by applying Eulerian Statistics to a Cube or Cylinder User Process.
- boundary (geometry)
When referring to geometries, boundaries are the physical barriers, such as chute walls and conveyor belts, that make up the materials handling design. Boundaries are what particles bounce off of during a simulation to determine flow and wear of the various components. There are two default boundaries included within Rocky: receiving conveyors and feed conveyors. All other boundaries, such as chutes, mills, and hoppers, are imported into Rocky.
- boundary (simulation)
When referring to the simulation as a whole, boundaries are the coordinate limits of the objects currently active in the simulation domain. These boundaries are used by Rocky to make calculations.
- breakage (discrete)
(See *Discrete Breakage*.)
- breakage (instantaneous)
(See *Instantaneous Breakage*.)
- CAD software
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) programs are drafting software used by engineers and designers to create 2D or 3D drawings of various objects and components. Ansys SpaceClaim is one example of this type of software.
- cell (airflow)
A cube-like segment into which an *airflow* boundary is divided. Simulations are calculated based upon how particles interact with these segments. Therefore, the more cells an air flow boundary is divided into, the more accurate the simulation results will be.
- cell (simulation)
Refers to the individual component-either a *triangle*, *block*, *node* or *air flow cell*-that can be analyzed by the Cell Inspector.
- CFD software
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a type of simulation software that solves and analyzes problems involving the flow of fluid. Ansys Fluent is an example of this type of software.
- collision
An event in time when a particle touches something else (*boundary* or other particle), and which includes one or more *contacts*.
- concave
When referring to particle shapes, these are closed 3D whole or perforated shapes of full interior volume that contain at least some faces that form dents or hollows.
- contact
A specific location on a *boundary* or other particle that has experienced a *collision*.
- convex
When referring to particle shapes, these are closed 3D whole shapes of full interior volume that contain no faces that form dents or hollows.
- CPU processing
Refers to the ability of Rocky to made use of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) within a computer to perform calculations and render images and animations.
- Curve
A data set applying to a simulation entity that includes one-dimensional recorded values measured across time or other properties. Curves are available for conveyors, imported geometries, Particles, and the Solver. As with Properties, individual User Processes linked to any entities with Curve properties will also display the same properties on their own Curves tabs.
- custom particle
A unique *shaped particle* saved as an .stl file (Custom *Shell* and Custom *Solid* Polyhedron), or a text or spreadsheet file (Custom *Fiber*) that is imported into Rocky. The .stl shapes can be designed in a *CAD program* (Custom Shell and Custom Polyhedron), or can be generated from a 3D scan of an actual object (Custom Polyhedron).
- default conveyor
One of two adjustable conveyor geometry templates included by default in Rocky: a feed conveyor and a receiving conveyor.
- Discrete Breakage
Commonly referred to as "joint breakage" or "discrete grain breakage (DGB)", this refers to the type of breakage that happens between the individual *joints* of a flexible particle that is composed of multiple elements.
- Element
A component that together with other (roughly) equal-sized Elements, comprises a particle shape that has been *meshed*, which depending upon the shape type, can enable features such as flexibility and/or breakage.
- embedded Module
A *Module* that comes by default installed with the Rocky product. This kind of Module is documented in the User Manual (this document) and Technical manuals.
- exclusive setting
Refers to a particular model or setting in the Rocky UI that when affected by an enabled *Module*, has the effect of disabling Rocky's default options for that particular model or setting, and then replacing them with the name of the Module.
- external Module
A *Module* that is installed separately from the Rocky product via a ZIP file. Because it is separate from the product, its documentation (if available) is provided separately from the Rocky product, and can usually be accessed from the Data Editors panel by clicking the (?) Help button from the Module's main tab.
- FEA software
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) refers to the act of studying or analyzing a phenomenon that has been modeled with the Finite Element Method *FEM*. An example of FEA software for structural analysis is Ansys Mechanical.
- feed conveyor
A default conveyor template included within Rocky that provides an adjustable feeder box, the top of which acts as the inlet from which particles are dropped, and an attached conveyor and head pulley.
Finite Element Method (FEM) refers to a method for numerically solving various engineering and mathematical models, such as those commonly applied within structural and electromagnetic simulation software. The tools that make use of this method are often referred to as *FEA software*.
- Fiber
A category of particle shapes that are made by stringing together linear *Segments*-each with its own thickness- to form strand-like 3D particles. Rocky comes with a Straight Fiber by default, but other Custom Fiber shapes can be imported with a text or spreadsheet file.
- free boundary
A geometry imported into Rocky that has a Motion Frame with free body motion enabled. Free body motion allows the *boundary's* movement to be affected by gravity, any additional (prescribed) forces/moments that you define, and by the particles with which it comes into contact. (Note that boundaries are not affected by other boundaries.)
- frozen Fiber
Refers to the ability to define for a Custom *Fiber* one or more *Segments* that are "frozen". When a frozen Fiber is composed of Multiple *Elements* and combined with Custom Inputs, this allows the frozen portion of the multi-element Fiber to "stick" to a certain location and have only the unfrozen portions of the fiber respond to interactions from other particles and boundaries in the simulation.
- geometry
*CAD* files that make up the objects used in a simulation, including conveyors, boundaries, and custom particle shapes.
- GPU processing
Refers to the ability of Rocky to make use of a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) computer chip to perform rapid calculations and quickly render images and animations on screen.
- imported geometry
A custom boundary, such as a chute, mill, or hopper, that is imported into Rocky from a *CAD program*.
- Info
A Data Editors tab that contains the domain properties for an *entity*, such as the topology and geometry coordinate limits, that provide context as to how the simulation data was recorded. These Info properties are made available for conveyors and imported geometries, Particles, 1-Way LBM, 1-Way Fluent, and individual User Processes.
- inlet
A default geometry included with Rocky that provides a rectangular or circular plane from which particles can be released into the simulation. Inlets can be located anywhere within your simulation and can be of any rectangular or circular size, and of any angular orientation.
- Instantaneous Breakage
Commonly referred to as "Instantaneous Fragmentation (IF)", this refers to the type of breakage that causes rigid, sharp-cornered particles to fragment into smaller pieces.
- joint
The connection or "glue" between two individual *Elements* of a multi-element (*meshed*) particle.
- macro
(Term no longer used. See *script* instead.)
- Meshed
A model in Rocky that enables certain Particles to be divided (or tessellated) into (roughly) equal-sized *Elements*, which can then be used to enable features such as flexibility and *Discrete Breakage*.
- Module
Discrete features or functionality provided via code that is separate from the Rocky product. Modules can either be *embedded* and installed with the Rocky product, or *external* and installed later via a ZIP file.
- multi-branched
Refers to a *Fiber* or *Shell* particle shape that includes one or more bifurcating points where a *Segment* or surface divides into a separate branch or fork.
- multiphase
With 1-Way and 2-Way Fluent coupled simulations, this refers to the use of two or more CFD fluid phases with one DEM particle phase. (Sometimes also referred to as "multi-phase".)
N to Z
- neighbor particle
A particle near enough to another particle or boundary to be considered for a *collision* event.
- neighbor triangle
A boundary *triangle* near enough to a particle to be considered for a *collision* event.
- node
The point at which a collection of boundary *triangles* intersect.
- non-exclusive setting
Refers to a particular model or setting in the Rocky UI that when affected by an enabled *Module*, has the effect of adding in additional settings or options for the Module, but does not override any default options or settings.
- output file
Previously referred to as "timestep files" and also known as RHS, RHC, or RHM files, these are the individual particle and boundary (RHS), contact (RHC), and motion (RHM) data files that together make up an entire simulation. During processing, one set of output files are saved per simulation output frequency. Output files are numbered sequentially starting from zero but are not linked to the point in time they represent. For example, when no Time Filter is applied, an output file of 0 (zero) corresponds to 0 (zero) seconds in the simulation. When a Time Filter of 2 s to 5 s is applied, an output file of 0 (zero) corresponds to whatever the beginning output time of that range is, or 2 s.
- output time
Refers to a time in the simulation when an *output file* has been saved. You can select an output time from the Time toolbar.
- panel
A Rocky UI element containing parameters for setting up, displaying, running, and analyzing a simulation. Panels are docked by default but can be made to float over the rest of the UI.
- part
When referring to particle shapes, this is an individual component of the whole *Assembly* shape.
- particle
Shapes used to represent an individual piece of matter-such as a rock, a kernel of grain, or a piece of hay-as it flows through bulk materials handling equipment. Simulated particles can be of various sizes, shapes, weights, and densities to more accurately reflect real matter.
- particle fragment
Refers to an individual broken piece of a once whole *particle*. Occurs only in simulations with breakage modeling. Note that a fragment can itself be broken into more fragments.
- particle group
In this version of Rocky, this is identical to *Particle set*.
- Particle set
A collection that includes the particle shape type combined with other defining characteristics, including size distribution, rolling resistance, rotation, orientation, flexibility, and breakage capabilities.
- plot
Refers to one of several different types of graphs in Rocky, such as a Time Plot or Cross Plot, that shows the relationship between two or more *Properties* or *Curves*.
- PrePost Script
(See *script*.)
- project
Refers to all information and settings saved within a .rocky file, including setup information, simulation results, and post-processing analyses such as animations, graphs, and views.
- Property
A post-processing data set that includes recorded values for each individual structural element at each individual *output time* during a simulation. Properties are available for simulation entities including conveyors and imported geometries, Particles, Contacts, 1-Way LBM, 1-Way Fluent, and individual User Processes.
Short for "Particle Size Distribution", which defines the amount of particles present in a sample according to size.
- receiving conveyor
A default conveyor template included with Rocky that provides an adjustable conveyor used to capture the flow off a chute or feed conveyor.
- remeshed
Refers to a Multiple Element (*meshed*) particle that Rocky has divided (or tessellated) into a different amount of *Elements* than was defined for the shape originally.
- rendered geometry
Refers to an imported or default *geometry* component that has been saved, displayed, and/or modified-via wear or parameterization-within the confines of the Rocky project. These actions can render the original geometry differently and can therefore effect the results that are exported.
- rendered shape
Refers to an imported or default *particle* shape that has been saved, displayed, and/or modified-via internal algorithms or parameterization-within the confines of the Rocky project. These actions can render the original shape differently and can therefore effect the results that are exported.
- rounded-corner shape
Refers specifically to a *shaped particle* that is composed of rounded corners (Sphero-Cylinders, Sphero-Polygons, Sphero-Polyhedrons).
- script
Short for PrePost Script, which is a set of repeatable project setup and/or data analysis tasks accomplished in the Rocky UI that was either 1) recorded click-by-click using only the PrePost Script panel, or 2) written outside of Rocky using Python code that references Rocky's API:PrePost functionality. Once recorded or written, can be played from the PrePost Script panel, added to the PrePost Scripts list under the Solver entity, and/or be launched from the command line.
- Segment
A single, one-dimensional link that forms the basis of a *Fiber* particle. One Segment is equal to a Straight Fiber shape. Multiple Segments, defined by the node locations within the text or spreadsheet file that defines a Custom Fiber, can be strung together to create various other 3D shapes.
- shaped particle
Commonly referred to as a truly "non-round" or "non-spherical" particle, this is a way of describing any realistic particle shape that is not a perfect Sphere, nor made of "glued" Spheres. This category includes shapes with *sharp corners* and *rounded corners*, *Fiber* and *Shell* shapes, and any other (non-Sphere) shapes in between.
- sharp-cornered shape
Refers specifically to a *shaped* particle that is made up of flat planes and sharp corners (Polyhedrons, Briquettes, Faceted Cylinders, non-concave Custom Polyhedrons).
- Shell
A category of particle shapes that are made by joining two-dimensional, open surfaces of a definable thickness to create an empty, 3D container or sheet-like object. Because they contain no interior volume, the mass of a Shell particle is much lower than a similarly shaped *Solid* particle, as the mass is confined only to the thickness of the container's surfaces. No default Shell particles come with Rocky, but you can add your own Custom Shell shapes by importing an .stl file.
- simulation entity
A whole Rocky component for which settings are made and Properties and/or Curve properties are provided. These include Particles, 1-Way LBM, 1-Way Fluent, Solver, individual geometry components, individual Motion Frames, and any individual User Processes linked to these entities.
- single phase
With 1-Way and 2-Way Fluent coupled simulations, this refers to the use of only one CFD fluid phase along with one DEM particle phase.
- Solid
A category of particle shapes that are closed three-dimensional objects of full interior volume. Seven Solid shapes are provided by default with Rocky, and you can also import your own convex or concave Custom Polyhedron shape from an .stl file.
- spherical particle
Commonly referred to as a "round" particle, this is a way of describing a particle shape that is a perfect Sphere.
- structural element
The smallest individual component of a Rocky *entity* upon which calculations are made. These include individual particles or *Elements*, 1-Way LBM *cells*, and boundary *triangles*. Many structural components make up an entire simulation entity.
- timestep
In simulation software like Rocky, a timestep is the incremental change in time for which the calculations are being solved. Can also refer to an *output time*, which is displayed and selected on the Time toolbar.
- timestep files
(Term no longer used. See *output file* instead.)
- triangle
A three-sided segment into which a geometry *boundary* is divided. Simulations are calculated based upon how particles interact with these segments. Therefore, the more triangles a boundary has (i.e., the lower the triangle size) the more accurate the simulation results will be.
- upscaling
Refers to the way data and statistics from the individual *Elements* of a Multiple Element (*meshed*) particle are considered when displaying the resulting properties or curves after processing. Even though the Rocky solver always calculates the underlying properties per Element, an upscaled particle (default setting) will result in properties or curves that affect the whole particle; a particle with upscaling turned off will result in properties or curves that affect each individual Element making up the particle.
- window
Method by which the physical components or the graphical results of the simulation are viewed or previewed. Includes 3D View, plots, histograms, Particles Details, and Motion Preview windows.
- Workspace
The area in the center of the Rocky UI where collections of windows are grouped together on individual Workspace tabs.