
Stress Analysis of a Long, Thick, Isotropic Solenoid


Reference: F. C. Moon, Magneto-Solid Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1984, pg. 275.
Analysis Type(s): Coupled field Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):
2D Coupled-Field Solid Elements (PLANE13) (Archived)
Input Listing: vm172.dat

Test Case

A long, thick solenoid carries a uniform current density distribution, J. Assuming that the turns of the solenoid can be modeled as a homogeneous isotropic material with modulus of elasticity E, and Poisson's ratio ν, determine the axial magnetic flux density distribution Bθ and the circumferential stress σo distribution in the solenoid.

Figure 248: Isotropic Solenoid Problem Sketch

Isotropic Solenoid Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
E = 10.76 x 1010 N/m2
υ = 0.35
µ =  µo
a = .01 m
b = .02 m
t = .002 m
Θ = 10 degrees
J = 1 x 106 A/m2

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The problem is solved first using PLANE13 elements. The length of the solenoid is assumed infinite (L = ), so only a section of the axisymmetric solenoid (t = .002 m, arbitrary) is required for modeling. It is assumed that the magnetic field external to the solenoid is zero, so the nodes at x = b are coupled (AZ = constant) such that the proper flux-parallel boundary condition is imposed. The flux-parallel condition at x = 0 is imposed by setting A = 0. Flux-normal boundary conditions are imposed naturally (no Ansys input necessary) at y = 0 and y = t.

Symmetric structural boundary conditions are applied to the solenoid elements at y = 0. The nodes at y = t on the solenoid are coupled in UY to ensure symmetry. The air is modeled with 5 elements in the radial direction while the solenoid is discretized with 20 elements in the radial direction to accurately model the stress distribution.

Results Comparison

 Target[1]Mechanical APDLRatio
PLANE13 Bangle, T @ r = .01 m.01257.012260.975
Bangle, T @ r = .013 m.008796.0087971.000
Bangle, T @ r = .01 7m.003770.0037691.000
Stresso, N/m2 @ r = .01m146.7144.150.983
Stresso, N/m2 @ r = .013m97.7997.690.999
Stresso, N/m2 @ r = .017m62.4462.611.003
  1. Assumed to be linearly varying through solenoid

Figure 249: 2D Circumferential Stress through Solenoid Windings

2D Circumferential Stress through Solenoid Windings

Figure 250: 2D Axial Flux Density through Solenoid Windings

2D Axial Flux Density through Solenoid Windings