
Permanent Magnet Circuit With an Elastic Keeper


Reference:F. C. Moon, Magneto-Solid Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1984, pg. 275.
Analysis Type(s):Coupled-field Analysis (ANTYPE = 0)
Element Type(s):
2D Coupled-Field Solid Elements (PLANE13) (Archived)
2D 8-Node Coupled-Field Solid Elements (PLANE223)
Spring-Damper Elements (COMBIN14)
Input Listing:vm171.dat

Test Case

A permanent magnet circuit consisting of a highly-permeable core and a permanent magnet is used to model a relay switch. An elastic keeper is modeled with a highly permeable iron and two springs. Assuming no flux leakage, determine the equilibrium displacements, δ, of the keeper and the operating point (flux density) in the permanent magnet.

Figure 246: Permanent Magnet Circuit Problem Sketch

Permanent Magnet Circuit Problem Sketch

Material PropertiesGeometric Properties

For permanent magnet:

Br = 1 T
Hc = 150,000 A/m
µr = 5.305

For iron:

µr = 1 x 105

For springs:

k = 3.30681 x 105 N/m

For iron and permanent magnet:

E = 10 x 1010 N/m2
ν = 0

h = .03 m

w = .03 m

t = .01 m

a = .01 m

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

Two analyses are performed: The first uses PLANE13 elements, and the second uses PLANE223 elements. Since no leakage is assumed, the flux path will follow a closed loop through the iron core, permanent magnet, air gap, and keeper. The flux must follow a path parallel to the edges of the device, thus a flux-parallel (A = 0) boundary is set at the external nodes of the model. The inner nodes are coupled to ensure a flux-parallel boundary condition at the inner edge. The iron is assumed to be infinitely permeable and is assigned μr = 105. For a permanent magnet, μoμr = Br /Hc, therefore μr = 5.305. The modulus of elasticity for air is assigned a negligible value (100 N/m2) compared to that of the permeable materials. The permanent magnet structure has its displacements fixed. A magnetic pressure surface is assigned to the elements adjacent to the air-keeper interface to allow for the application of magnetic forces for structural analysis. An iterative large-deflection solution is required. Convergence criteria for structural force and magnetic current-segment is defined.

Results Comparison

TargetMechanical APDLRatio
Displacement, (m)0.001500.001490.994
B, (T)0.24960.249040.998
Displacement, (m)0.001500.0014960.998
B, (T)0.24960.249470.999

Figure 247: Displaced Geometry Display

Displaced Geometry Display