7.2. Command Changes

The TB command now includes these FRIC — Coefficient of Friction Specifications.


The humber of temperatures for which data will be provided. Default = 1. No maximum limit.

NTEMP is not used in the following situations:

  • Isotropic or orthotropic friction defined in terms of field data (TBFIELD command)

  • User-defined friction (TBOPT = USER)


Number of data points to be specified for user-defined friction (TBOPT = USER).

Not used for TBOPT = ISO or TBOPT = ORTHO.


Friction options:

ISO --

Isotropic friction (one coefficient of friction, μ) (default). This option is valid for all 2D and 3D contact elements.


Orthotropic friction (two coefficients of friction, μ1 and μ2). This option is valid for the following 3D contact elements: CONTA174, CONTA175, and CONTA177.


Orthotropic friction (two coefficients of friction, μ1 and μ2) with a friction coordinate system fixed in space. This option is valid for the following 3D contact elements: CONTA174, CONTA175, and CONTA177.


Equivalent orthotropic friction (two coefficients of friction, μ1 and μ2). This option differs from TBOPT = ORTHO only in the way the friction coefficients are interpolated when they are dependent upon the following field variables: sliding distance and/or sliding velocity. In this case, the total magnitude of the field variable is used to do the interpolation.


Isotropic friction (one coefficient of friction, MU) wherein frictional stress is a function of sliding velocity.


User defined friction. This option is valid for all 2D and 3D contact elements.