The following table shows the boundary conditions available for an acoustic analysis:
Table 7.1: Acoustic Boundary Conditions
Boundary Condition | Solid Model Entities | FE Model Entities |
Pressure | Points, Lines, or Areas | Nodes |
Rigid Wall | None required | None or Nodes |
Impedance Boundary Condition (IBC) | Lines or Areas | Nodes |
Free Surface (Sloshing Effect) | Lines or Areas | Nodes |
Symmetric Plane in Viscous-Thermal Acoustics | Not Applicable | Nodes |
Sliding Surface in Poroelastic Acoustics | Not Applicable | Nodes |
Pervious Porous Surface in Poroelastic Acoustics | Not Applicable | Nodes |
Absorbing Boundary Condition (ABC) | Lines or Areas | Nodes |
Artificially Matched Layers | Not Applicable | Elements |
Floquet Periodic Boundary Condition | Not Applicable | Nodes |
For general information about applying boundary conditions, see Loading in the Basic Analysis Guide.
The pressure boundary is a Dirichlet boundary with p = p0.
To apply pressure to the nodes of a finite element model, issue the
,PRES command.
In the poroelastic material model, issue
,PRES to set pressure to
zero on free porous surfaces.
Example 7.1: Applying Pressure to Nodes
nsel,s,loc,z,0.0 ! Select the nodes d,all,pres,dispr,dispi ! Complex pressure
If using coupled acoustic elements (KEYOPT(2) = 0), avoid zero-pivot warning messages by setting the displacement degrees of freedom (UX, UY, and UZ) at the element nodes not on the interface to zero.
Example 7.2: Applying Displacement to Nodes
nsel,s,loc,z,0.0 ! Select the nodes d,all,ux,0 ! zero ux d,all,uy,0 ! zero uy d,all,uz,0 ! zero uz
The rigid wall boundary is a Neumann boundary with
applied for the Helmholtz equation solver. It is not necessary to
specify a rigid wall boundary condition in an FEM acoustic analysis, as it is a
natural boundary condition.
If the pressure spatial distribution can be predicted, the Neumann boundary can be used on the symmetric plane of the model to reduce the model size.
For the viscous-thermal FLNS model, issue the commands
,VX (VY and VZ) and
,TEMP to set the particle
velocities and temperature to zero on the rigid wall. For more information, see
Boundary Conditions of the FLNS Model in the Theory Reference.
For the poroelastic material model, issue the command
,UX (UY and UZ) to set
displacements to zero on the rigid wall. For more information, see Boundary Conditions of Poroelastic Acoustics in the Theory Reference.
Table 7.2: Surface Impedance Boundary Conditions shows surface impedance boundary conditions available for acoustic analysis. The acoustic wave is damped on the impedance boundary, and you can use it to approximate infinity.
Table 7.2: Surface Impedance Boundary Conditions
Boundary Condition | Definition | SF Command Label |
Acoustic Infinite Radiation Boundary |
Za = ρ0C0 |
Acoustic Boundary with Absorption Coefficient α |
ATTN | |
Acoustic Impedance Boundary |
Za = Za,r + jZa,i |
Viscous Impedance Boundary in Viscous-Thermal Acoustics |
Zv = Zv,r + jZv,i | VIMP |
Thermal Impedance Boundary in Viscous-Thermal Acoustics |
ZT = ZT,r + jZT,i | TIMP |
The acoustic infinite radiation boundary
assumes the ratio of the pressure and outward normal velocity is equal to
Z0 =
ρ0C0. When the radiation
boundary is close to the objects or the radiators, the outgoing pressure wave may no
longer hold the ratio Z0 and a numerical error may occur.
Using either an absorbing boundary element or artificially matched layers (PML or IPML) is more accurate for modeling
the far-field radiation boundary. An infinite radiation boundary can be applied to
the nodes of the finite element model via the
,INF command:
Example 7.3: Defining an Infinite Radiation Boundary
nsel,s,ext ! Select exterior node on selected elements sf,all,inf ! Infinite radiation boundary
The acoustic absorption coefficient is often
used to measure the absorption of a surface in acoustic applications. The surface
impedance with real value can deviate from the defined absorption coefficient, as
shown in Table 7.2: Surface Impedance Boundary Conditions. The absorption coefficient of the surface can
be applied to nodes of the finite element model via the
Example 7.4: Defining Boundary Absorption Coefficient
nsel,s,ext ! Select exterior node on selected elements sf,all,attn,0.5 ! Boundary absorption coefficient
A more flexible acoustic complex surface
impedance represents the specific ratio between pressure and normal particle
velocity on the surface. Surface impedance can be applied to nodes on the finite
element model via the
Example 7.5: Applying the Impedance BC in an Acoustic Radiation or Scattering Analysis
Apply the impedance boundary condition to the exterior surface of the model in an acoustic radiation or scattering analysis.
Apply the impedance boundary condition to the inlet and outlet surface for the transparent port in an acoustic propagating analysis.
For example, in a transmission loss analysis of a muffler, you might define the following:
nsel,s,loc,z,0 ! Select nodes on inlet sf,all,impd,z01 ! Impedance on inlet sf,all,shld,vn ! Normal velocity on inlet sf,all,port,10 ! Transparent port nsel,s,loc,l ! Select nodes on outlet sf,all,impd,z02 ! Impedance on outlet
If a complex value is applied to a surface
in an acoustic modal analysis, a negative conductance of admittance is input as
and the product
of susceptance and angular frequency is input as
Do not use the SF,Nlist
,IMPD command
to define the radiation boundary
,INF) if the pure
scattered formulation is selected
) unless the impedance
value is different from the media characteristic impedance Z0
= ρ0C0.
In viscous-thermal acoustics, the viscous impedance
,VIMP) is defined as the
ratio of the shear force and tangential velocity on the surface, and the thermal
impedance (SF,Nlist
,TIMP) is defined
as the ratio of heat flux and temperature on the surface. VIMP and TIMP are in
addition to the acoustic impedance
,IMPD). For more
information, see Boundary Conditions of the FLNS Model in the Theory Reference
The free surface (sloshing effect) is taken into account by flagging the plane as
a free surface
and defining gravitational acceleration (ACEL).
The free surface must be aligned with the coordinate plane in the global Cartesian coordinate system. The gravitational acceleration input is always positive regardless of how the model is set up.
Example 7.6: Defining the Sloshing Effect
nsel,s,loc,z,0 ! Select the nodes on the free surface sf,all,free ! Flag the nodes on free surface alls acel,,,9.85 ! Gravity acceleration in z-direction
In the viscous-thermal FLNS model, issue the command
,VX (VY or VZ) to set the
normal velocity to zero on the symmetric plane. Use the NROTAT
command prior to the D command if the symmetric planes are not
parallel to the coordinate planes of the global Cartesian coordinate system. For
more information, see Boundary Conditions of the FLNS Model in the Theory Reference.
Example 7.7: Defining Normal Velocity on Symmetric Plane
csys,11 ! Activate defined local coordinate system nrotat,all ! Rotate nodal coord. sys. into active system nsel,s,loc,y,0 ! Select nodes on the plane d,all,vy,0 ! Set normal velocity to zero
For the poroelastic material model, issue the command
,UX (UY or UZ) to set the
normal displacement to zero on the sliding surface. Use the NROTAT
command prior to the D command if the sliding surfaces are not
parallel to the coordinate planes of the global Cartesian coordinate system. For
more information, see Boundary Conditions of Poroelastic Acoustics in the Theory Reference.
For the poroelastic material model, issue the command
,PERM to define the
permeability on the pervious porous surface. For more information, see Boundary Conditions of Poroelastic Acoustics in the Theory Reference.
Example 7.8: Defining Permeability on Pervious Porous Surface
nsel,s,ext ! Select exterior node on selected elements sf,all,perm,1.e-8 ! Permeability