2.2.2. Mechanical APDL File Format

A Mechanical APDL input file requires specific element settings if it is to be used with ACP in Stand Alone mode. This applies to preprocessing models that are used to define a composite lay-up as well as postprocessing models where reading stresses and strains in future analyses is required. For more information, see Workflow in Stand Alone Operation.

Nodal solutions can be loaded from:

Supported shell and solid (for post-processing only) element types: SHELL181, SHELL281, SOLID185, SOLID186

Supported element property definition commands: SECTYPE, SECOFFSET, SECCONTROL, RLBLOCK

Figure 2.171: SHELL181 Keyopts

SHELL181 Keyopts

Figure 2.172: SHELL281 Keyopts

SHELL281 Keyopts

Figure 2.173: SOLID185 Keyopts

SOLID185 Keyopts

Figure 2.174: SOLID186 Keyopts

SOLID186 Keyopts