27.7. Results and Discussion

The following figure shows the Force Convergence plot along with remesh points.

When the simulation experiences sudden high stress changes occur at substep 20, it automatically remeshes the affected region to avoid divergence. After that, Nonlinear Adaptivity Remeshing occurs according to the defined recurrence rate.

Note:  The results obtained may differ than those reported in the figures below since the Nonlinear Adaptive Region may create a different mesh than the one shown below. The aim of this demonstration is to explain the use of advanced technology in Ansys Mechanical.

Figure 27.23: Force Convergence Plot

Force Convergence Plot

The following figure displays the Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress over time. The green, red, and blue curves plot the maximum, minimum, and average equivalent stress values.

Figure 27.24: : Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress Plot

: Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress Plot

The first re-mesh occurred after sub step 20 (TIME = 0.1277 s) when the side roller makes contact with block and starts pushing on the block, which causes high distortion in elements.

Figure 27.25: Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress at first re-mesh point

Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress at first re-mesh point

The Block starts to pass between the rollers after the first remesh and begins to take shape.

Figure 27.26: Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress after Load Step 1

Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress after Load Step 1

The Block experiences the highest stress at the point of contact detachment between the block and rollers at 1.6848 s.

Figure 27.27: Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress at 1.6848s

Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress at 1.6848s

Figure 27.28: Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress after Load Step 2

Equivalent (von-Mises) Stress after Load Step 2

Figure 27.29: Animation of Total Deformation

Animation of Total Deformation

As expected, the high plastic strain region is observed at the location where the web and flange components of the I-beam are connected.

Figure 27.30: Equivalent Plastic Strain

Equivalent Plastic Strain

For a period of time during the rolling process (Load Step 2), there is little variation in plastic strain over time in the high plastic strain region. This behavior occurs during the steady-state (rolling) phase of the simulation. The following figure shows the variation of maximum, minimum, and average equivalent strain values over time, represented by the green, red, and blue curves respectively.

Figure 27.31: Equivalent Plastic Strain Plot

Equivalent Plastic Strain Plot