53.7. Results

53.7.1. Coupled-field Static Analysis Results

The static analysis is primarily used to prestress the structure by applying a DC voltage, but it can also be used to postprocess the capacitance (C = charge/voltage) of the air gap.

Figure 53.11: Air Gap Capacitance as a Function of Voltage

Air Gap Capacitance as a Function of Voltage

The capacitance results can be plotted using these commands:

53.7.2. Prestressed Coupled-field Harmonic Analysis Results

The microphone can operate in the audible frequency bandwidth. Therefore, the sensitivity of the microphone is analyzed over this range. Sensitivity characterizes the output electrical signal as a function of the applied pressure.

Figure 53.12: Sensitivity as a Function of Frequency

Sensitivity as a Function of Frequency

The sensitivity results can be plotted using these commands:

Figure 53.13: Membrane Deformation at 20,000 Hz

Membrane Deformation at 20,000 Hz

Figure 53.14: Housing Sound Pressure Level at 20,000 Hz

Housing Sound Pressure Level at 20,000 Hz