Thermal Stress in a Bar with Temperature Dependent Conductivity


Reference: Any basic Heat Transfer book
Solver(s): Ansys Mechanical
Analysis Type(s): Nonlinear Thermal Stress Analysis
Element Type(s): Solid

Test Case

A long bar has thermal conductivity that varies with temperature. The bar is constrained at both ends by frictionless surfaces. A temperature of T °C is applied at one end of the bar (End A). The reference temperature is 5°C. At the other end, a constant convection of h W/m2 °C is applied. The ambient temperature is 5 °C. Advanced mesh control with element size of 2 m is applied.

Find the following:

  • Minimum temperature

  • Maximum thermal strain in z direction (on the two end faces)

  • Maximum deformation in z direction

  • Maximum heat flux in z direction at z = 20 m

Temperature at a distance z from rear face is given by:

Thermal strain in the z-direction in the bar is given by:

Deformation in the z-direction is given by:

Heat flux in the z-direction is given by:

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
E = 2 x 1011 Pa
ν = 0
α = 1.5 x 10-5 / °C
k = 0.038 * (1 + 0.00582 * T) W/m °C
Length = 20 m
Width = 2 m
Breadth = 2 m
Rear face temperature T = 100 °C
Film Coefficient h = 0.005 W/m2 °C
Ambient temperature = 5 °C
Reference temperature = 5 °C
Temperature (°C) Conductivity (W/m °C)
53.91 x 10-2

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes for Ansys Mechanical

The following figure shows the finite element model in Ansys Mechanical:

Figure 7: Ansys Mechanical Schematic

Ansys Mechanical Schematic

Results Comparison for Ansys Mechanical

ResultsTargetMechanicalError (%)
Minimum Temperature (°C)38.0238.014-0.017
Maximum Thermal strain (z = 20) (m/m)0.0004950.00049520.041
Maximum Thermal strain (z = 0) (m/m)0.0014250.0014250.000
Maximum Z Deformation (m)0.002320.0023410.914
Maximum Z Heat Flux (z = 20) (W/m2)0.1650.165070.042