Evaluation of Equivalent Orthotropic Material Properties for Multi-Layered Laminated Structures


ReferenceMillithaler, P., Sadoulet-Reboul M., Ousse, E., Dupont, J.-B., & Bouhaddi, N. (2014). Equivalent Orthotropic Material Properties for Stators of Electric Cars. In Topping, B.H.V. & Iványi P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (DOI: 10.4203/ccp.106.201). Stirlingshire, Scottland: Civil-Comp Press.

See also Researchgate.net.

FeatureUser-Defined RVE

Test Case

Create a user-defined RVE (representative volume element) in Material Designer as shown in Figure 257: Test Case Model. The constituent materials are two steel layers with a layer of epoxy between them. Using the information in the table below, assign dimensions and material properties to each layer. Run an analysis on the RVE and generate calculated properties for the homogenized laminate. Compare the results to those given in the reference above (Milithaler et al., 2014).

Note:  The Material Designer User's Guide provides a detailed treatment of this test case in the User Defined RVE Tutorial. There you will find a step-by-step guide to setting up the model as well as a link for downloading the project file.

Geometric PropertiesMaterial Properties

Epoxy Block: 3 mm x 400 mm x 400 mm

Two Steel Blocks: 180 mm x 400 mm x 400 mm

Steel Epoxy
Young's Modulus [GPa] 2073.0
Poisson's Ratio0.250.37

Figure 257: Test Case Model

Test Case Model

Modeling Notes

For meshing options, choose Block Meshing and Use Conformal Meshing. Regarding material properties, set Type of Anisotropy to Orthotropic. Select Compute Linear Elasticity and Periodic Boundary Conditions.

Figure 258: Meshed Model in Material Designer

Meshed Model in Material Designer

Results Comparison

ResultReference TargetAnsys Material DesignerError (%)
Youngs Modulus (X)205 GPa205 GPa0.00
Youngs Modulus (Y)157 GPa157 GPa0.00
Youngs Modulus (Z)205 GPa205 GPa0.00
Shear Modulus (XY)82.1 GPa82.1 GPa0.00
Shear Modulus (YZ)51.2 GPa51.2 GPa0.00
Shear Modulus (XZ)51.2 GPa51.2 Gpa0.00