Optimization of Frequency for a Plate With Simple Support at all Vertices


Reference: Blevins, Formula for Natural Frequency and Mode Shape, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc., 1979, pg. 269-271
Analysis Type(s): Goal Driven Optimization
Element Type(s): 3-D Shell

Test Case

A square plate of side 250 mm and thickness 5 mm is simply supported on all its vertices.

Input Parameters:  —  Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and density

Response Parameters:  —  First natural frequency

Figure 222: Schematic


Material Properties
E = 2e5 MPa
ν = 0.3
ρ = 7.850 e-6 kg/mm3
Geometric Properties
Length a = 250 mm
Width b = 250 mm
Thickness h = 5 mm
All vertices are simply supported
ParameterTypeConstraintsDesired ValueImportance
Young's Modulus EInput1.8e11 Pa E 2.2e11PaNo PreferenceLow
Poisson's Ratio μInput0.27 μ 0.30No PreferenceLow
Density ρInput7065 kg/m3 ρ 8635 kg/m3 No PreferenceLow
First Natural Frequency wOutputN/aMinimum PossibleHigh


First Natural Frequency:

Objective function becomes:

Minimizing ϕ we get dimensions as:

Young's Modulus E = 1.8e11 Pa
Poisson's Ratio μ = 0.27
Density ρ = 8635 kg/m3
First Natural Frequency w = 124.0913 rad/s

Results Comparison

ResultsTargetDesignXplorerError (%)
Young's Modulus E1.8e11 Pa1.8e11 Pa0.00
Poisson's Ratio μ0.270.270.00
Density ρ8635 kg/m3 8635 kg/m3 0.00
First Natural Frequency w124.0913 rad/s123.3403 rad/s-0.6060