C.11.1. WDK: Tools Group

The WDK: Tools group provides interactive access to the functionality of several of the most important TaskML elements and exposes some key internal data. The group also demonstrates how IFRAMEs allow arbitrary customization of the user interface.

The WDK: Tools group updates automatically when the selection in the Outline changes.

Level Testing

The Outline Level section exercises the functionality of the level element.

Object Testing and Selection

The second section exercises the functionality of the object, select-first-object and select-all-objects elements. Expert users may find this section useful for automating selection in the Outline. For example, typing "prt" under Name Regular Expression and clicking Select All Matching Objects selects all Outline objects with "prt" in their name.

Details Field String ID

The third section exposes the string ID of the currently selected Details field for use with the select-field element.

Preview Event Code

Advanced. If checked, displays a message box containing virtual JScript event code prior to its evaluation. Used for low-level debugging of task rules.


Displays the folder from which the Mechanical Wizard is currently running. Corresponds to "Mechanical Wizard URL" in the Control Panel.