C.11.2. WDK: Commands Group

The Commands group exposes options for viewing internal data and for manipulating the system.

Reload Sim Wizard

Reloads the HTML page containing the Mechanical Wizard. The system is reset and the Startup panel displayed.

Open Wizard

Displays an Open dialog to choose a TaskML file to load. Same as selecting the "browse" option from "Choose Wizard" on the Startup panel or in wizards.

Fire Update Event

Forces an update-event to occur in the Mechanical Wizard.

View Current Toolbar Keys

Displays a temporary XML file containing the toolbar and button keys for the current state of the user interface. Toolbar and button keys are used to define the click-button and display-toolbar-callout elements.

View Wizard XML

Displays a temporary XML file containing the internal merged TaskML.

Remove Merge Information

Removes merge tracking information from the internal TaskML.

Snapshot Wizard DHTML

Saves an HTML file snapshot of the current Mechanical Wizard. The HTML snapshot is useful for developing CSS skins.

Clear UserData

Clears the Mechanical Wizard UserData store. The UserData store consists of Tip of the Day, group expansion, and other non-critical data.