18.3. Selecting Solve Modes for an Analysis

Mechanical includes capabilities for efficiently solving various kinds of analyses taking CPU usage and solving time into consideration. The following table defines the various solve "modes" available and includes references to recommended usages and associated solve process settings. Further details are discussed in the various other sections under Solving.

Solve Start ModeSolve Monitor ModeRecommended UsageSolve Process Settings
In Process - The solve starts and finishes on your computer in the directory where your project resides. Synchronous - The solve runs and finalizes within the same Workbench session.Analyses that are not expected to be extremely CPU intensive. My Computer
Out of Process - The solve starts and finishes either on another computer, or on your computer but in a directory that is separate from the one where your project resides. Asynchronous - The solve is not restricted to run and finalize during any particular Workbench session.[a]Analyses involving large models or a large amount of processing time and machine resources, excluding linked analyses and analyses that involve multiple convergence loops.[b] My Computer, Background or remote solve handler (RSM or DSC)
Synchronous - The solve runs and finalizes within the same Workbench session.Analyses involving large models or a large amount of processing time and machine resources, including linked analyses and analyses that involve multiple convergence loops.My Computer, Background or remote solve handler (RSM Only), then click Advanced... button and check Solve in synchronous mode (Ansys only).

[a] When solving in asynchronous mode, you are free to continue working independently of the solve job, or close the Workbench session and retrieve the solution results at a later time. You can even shut down your computer if the job has been submitted to a remote cluster (See Using Solve Process Settings). An asynchronous solution is queued with other solutions and can run either on your local machine or on a more powerful remote machine. Background solutions are recommended for large models or simulations that require a large amount of processing time and machine resources. Sending the Solve to a remote cluster can increase productivity when a high-end server is available on your network.

[b] Though not recommended for a linked analysis using this solve mode combination, you can solve a linked analysis or an analysis involving multiple convergence loops provided you solve each analysis separately, that is, you must obtain the first solution, then choose Get Results from the context menu in the first analysis before obtaining the solution in the second analysis. The Out of Process and Synchronous mode combination is recommended for these types of analyses because the solve can occur from a single user action. Also, asynchronous solutions involving linked analyses that are initiated from the Project Schematic by choosing Update will automatically achieve the same effect as choosing Get Results, thus providing another method for solving linked analyses from a single user action. See the Understanding Solving help section for additional information.