5.15.15. Static Analysis From Rigid Dynamics Analysis

You can perform a Rigid Dynamics Analysis and then change it to or link it to a downstream Static Structural Analysis for the purpose of determining deformation, stresses, and strains (which are not available in the Rigid Dynamics analysis).

Note:  The Motion Loads ACT extension allows you to more easily apply the loads created in a Rigid Dynamics analysis on the flexible bodies in a Static Structural analysis especially when the model contains joints with translational joint degrees of freedom.

Creating an Analysis System

  1. From the toolbox, drag and drop a Rigid Dynamics template onto the project schematic. Follow the procedure for creating a Rigid Dynamics Analysis analysis. Apply forces and/or drivers, and insert any valid solution result object(s).

  2. Specify the time of interest in the tabular data table or in the Graph window.

  3. Select a solution result object and click the right mouse to display the popup menu. Select Export Motion Loads and specify a load file name.

  4. In the project schematic, duplicate the Rigid Dynamics analysis system. Replace the duplicated analysis system with a Static Structural analysis system.

    Note:  If you do not need to keep the original Rigid Dynamics analysis, you can replace it with the Static Structural analysis system.

  5. Edit the Static Structural analysis (using Model, Edit) by suppressing all parts except the desired part for the Static Structural analysis.

  6. Change the Stiffness Behavior of the part to be analyzed from Rigid to Flexible.

  7. Change mesh solver preference to be Ansys Mechanical instead of Ansys Rigid Dynamics.

  8. Delete or suppress all loads used in the Rigid Dynamics analysis.

  9. Import the motion loads that were exported from the Rigid Dynamics analysis. Highlight the Static Structural branch and then right mouse click, Insert> Motion Loads....

    Note:  Moments and forces created for the static structural analysis can be in an invalid state if all three components of the force/moment are almost equal to zero.

  10. Delete the result objects and add new ones.

  11. Solve the single part model with the static structural analysis and evaluate the results.

Point to Remember

It is important that you create the Static Structural analysis after the Rigid Dynamics analysis is finished and the export load is done.