Substructure Generation Options

For Substructure Generation analyses, the Options category includes the following properties:

Max Modes to Find

Specify the desired number of natural frequencies the solver will use during a substructure generation analysis. The default value is 6.

Limit Search to Range

If desired, specify a frequency range within which to find the natural frequencies. The default is set to No. If you set this to Yes, the Range Minimum and Range Maximum properties display. Use these properties to specify the desired frequency range. Note that specifying a range instructs the solver to extract as many frequencies as possible within the specified range. The frequency modes extracted cannot exceed the values specified by the Max Modes to Find property.

Number of Load Vectors

Limit the number of load vectors generated during the substructure generation process to improve efficiency and performance. The default setting is Program Controlled. This value can be overridden with an integer, it must not be less than the highest load vector number for the loads defined in the analysis..

For more information about this setting, see the /CONFIG (/CONFIG,numsublv) section of the Mechanical APDL Commands Reference.