Imported Force

When forces are transferred to a structural analysis, an Imported Force object can be inserted to represent the transfer.

Force is a conservative quantity, which requires the total force (sum total over source points) applied on the source to match the target. To achieve this, conservative mapping algorithms are available, when importing force data.

For uniform source and target meshes, profile preserving algorithms along with an appropriate scale factor, can also be employed to conserve the total force.

In addition to mapping data across the meshes, the import process also calculates and reports the total force and the individual X/Y/Z components on both the source and target regions. When mapping data using the conservative algorithm, you can validate that the total force is conserved between source and target. For profile preserving algorithms, this information may be used to appropriately apply a scaling factor.

Note:  When you apply total force in the Cylindrical Coordinate System, the application does not calculate the Force Components in Radial (X) and Tangential (Y) directions. The application reports these components as N/A in the summary.

For specific steps to transfer data, see the Imported Boundary Conditions section for applicable transfers or External Data.

  • Both conservative and profile preserving algorithms are available for importing force data. Conservative algorithms are the default and automatically ensure that the total force is conserved between source and target.

  • Profile preserving algorithms may also be used to import force loads. When using profile preserving algorithms, the total force on the source and target may not match. Use the scaling factor reported in the Transfer Summary to appropriately scale the load.

    Profile preserving algorithms are not recommended to be used with non-uniform source or target meshes.

  • This imported loading condition supports the Vector Display options.