5.15.19. Transferring Hydrodynamic Loads to a Structural System

The Hydrodynamic Pressure Mapping ACT extension transfers the surface pressures and line loads calculated in a Hydrodynamic Diffraction analysis or a time domain Hydrodynamic Response analysis to panel and beam elements in a Static Structural analysis, through a link on the Workbench Project Schematic page. This removes the need to create, manipulate and run files external to Workbench. Multiple wave phase angles or time steps can be analyzed in a single Static Structural calculation, to provide a clear picture of finite element results due to hydrodynamic loading over the whole wave cycle or time series. To view the documentation explaining how to load and use the extension, click here.

The Offshore ACT extension exposes the family of OCEAN commands that are offered in Mechanical APDL. In this way the hydrodynamic loads on submerged beam and pipe elements – resulting from the motion of the structure through the fluid, or from the fluid motion around the structure due to current or waves – can be included in Static Structural, Transient Structural, Modal and Harmonic Response analyses. To view the documentation explaining how to load and use the extension, click here.