3.2.3. User Interface

The User Interface group includes the following categories and preferences:

DisplayNumber of Significant DigitsSets the number of digits that appear for numbers in Ansys simulation environments. The default is 5 and possible values are 3 through 10. This preference affects only the numbers that are displayed. It does not imply any numerical round-off of internal calculations. When a user-entered number has a decimal halfway between two integers, the number is rounded to the nearest even integer. For example, a value of 20.5 is rounded down to 20, while a value of 21.5 is rounded up to 22.
Show Beta OptionsTurn on beta options. Options include No (default) and Yes.
Show Unsupported FeaturesThis preference is not supported in the Mechanical application.
Omit Text on ToolbarsThis preference is not supported in the Mechanical application.
File ManagementFolder of Temporary FilesSpecify the directory where the application writes temporary files. The application creates temporary files in this folder until you save your project. Once saved, the application writes files to the project directory.

Recommendation:  Ansys recommends setting this preference to a local drive rather than a network drive to ensure better performance.

Save As Preferred DefaultThis preference applies to the Workbench application. See the Workbench User Preferences documentation for more information.
CAD Licensing ManagementCAD LicensingThis preference applies to the Workbench application. See the Geometry Import section of the Workbench User Preferences documentation for more information.
GraphicalWatermark Logo StyleBy default, the application displays the Ansys logo and version in the Geometry window. This preference enables you to change the color of the logo from White (default) to Black or to turn it Off.