NASTRAN Export Supported Features

The following table summarizes which Mechanical items are supported by NASTRAN Export, and the NASTRAN commands they are mapped to. The Mechanical items are categorized by Group and Subgroup. This table is only a guide and should not be used as the definitive list of supported items.

GroupSubgroupMechanical ItemGenerated NASTRAN Command
Modal (Free-Free) with Perform Ground CheckSOL103,GROUNDCHECK
Modal (Pre-Stressed)SOL103, STATSUB
StaticLinear StaticSOL101
TransientDirect TransientSOL109
Boundary ConditionsAccelerationAcceleration by componentsGRAV
DisplacementFixed Support, by vertexSPC, spc id, grid id, 123456
Fixed Support, by vertexSPC, spc id, grid id, 123456
Fixed Support, by vertexSPC, spc id, grid id, 123456
Nodal DisplacementSPC+SPCD pair
Remote Displacement, rigid, by edgeSPC, spc id, grid id, dof
remote Displacement, rigid, by faceSPC, spc id, grid id, dof
Remote Displacement, rigid, by remote pointSPC, spc id, grid id, dof
Remote Displacement, rigid, by vertexSPC, spc id, grid id, dof
Remote displacement, rigid, by vertexSPC, spc id, grid id, dof
ForceForce, by edge on beamPLOAD1: P1 term
Force, by facePLOAD4: P1,N1,N2,N3 terms
Line Pressure, by edge on beamPLOAD1: P1 term
Moment, by faceMOMENT
Nodal ForceFORCE
Pressure, by facePLOAD4: P1 term
Remote Force, by faceFORCE
Nodal OrientationNodal Orientation objectGRID: CD term
ThermalThermal Condition, by body (line/solid)Thermal loads
Thermal Condition, by body (surface top)Thermal loads
ConnectionContactMPC FormulationMPC
Revolute, rotational stiffnessCBUSH
Remote PointDeformable, scoped to facesRBE3
Rigid, scoped to edgesRBE2
Rigid, scoped to solid body faceRBE2
Coordinate SystemCoordinate SystemDefined by GeometryCORD2*
Defined by Named SelectionCORD2*
Material OrientationSurface Cody Coordinate System CQUAD*/CTRIA*: MCID term
ElementBeamcross_section, ASECPBEAM
cross_section, CHANPBEAML,CHAN
cross_section, CSOLIDPBEAML,ROD
cross_section, CTUBEPBEAML,TUBE
cross_section, HATPBEAML,HAT
cross_section, HRECPBEAML,BOX1
cross_section, IPBEAML,I
cross_section, LPBEAML,L
cross_section, RECTPBEAML,BAR
cross_section, TPBEAML,T2
cross_section, ZPBEAML,Z
Line Body, Model Type:Beam, linearCBEAM
LinkLine Body, Model Type:linkCROD
Line Body, Model Type:linkPROD
ShellLayered Section, by bodyPCOMP
Surface Body, linearCQUAD4 / CTRIA3
Surface Body, quadraticCQUAD8 / CTRIA6
Thickness, by bodyPSHELL
SolidSolid Body, hex20CHEXA
Solid Body, hex8CHEXA
Solid Body, pyr13CPYRAM
Solid Body, pyr5CPYRAM
Solid Body, tet10CTETRA
Solid Body, tet4CTETRA
SpringLongitudinalCBEAM w/ end releases
Longitudinal, force preloadCBEAM w/ end releases and TEMP
MassDistributed MassScoped to Line BodyPBEAM*/PROD: NSM term
Scoped to Surface BodyPSHELL/PCOMP: NSM term
Point MassDirect vertex attachmentCONM2
Remote attachment, vertexCONM2+RBE2
Isotropic, Temperature DependantMAT1, MATT1, TABLEM1
OrthotropicMAT8, MAT12
ShellPreintegrated Shell SectionPSHELL + 4x MAT2