19.11.1. Fatigue Material Properties

Engineering Data contains example materials which may include fatigue curves populated with data from engineering handbooks. You can also add your own fatigue curves. The Fatigue Tool will use the information from these curves for each material in the model when calculating life, damage, safety factors, etc. If Young's Modulus is temperature dependent, then the fatigue calculations are carried out using the Young's Modulus computed at the reference temperature of the body.

For the strain-life approach, the materials must have Strain-Life Parameters defined. For the Stress-Life approach, the materials must have S-N Curve defined. To add this data to a material follow the Add Material Properties procedure (see Adding Material Properties in the Engineering Data User's Guide).

Strain-Life Parameters

The following four strain-life parameter properties and the two cyclic stress-strain parameters must have data defined:

  • Strength Coefficient

  • Strength Exponent

  • Ductility Coefficient

  • Ductility Exponent

  • Cyclic Strength Coefficient

  • Cyclic Strain Hardening Exponent

S-N Curve

The alternating stress, or stress-life (SN), mean curve data can be defined with respect to mean stress, r-ratio, or temperature. The Interpolation method (Log-Log, Semi-Log, or Linear) can be defined. The curve data must be defined to be greater than zero.

  • Mean Stress

    Use this definition if experimental SN data was collected at constant mean stress for individual SN curves.

  • R-Ratio

    Use this definition if multiple SN curves were collected at a constant r-ratio. The r-ratio is defined as the ratio of the second loading to the first: r = L2 / L1. Typical experimental r-ratios are -1 (fully reversed), 0 (zero-based), and .1 (to ensure that a tensile stress always exists in the part).

  • Temperature

    Use this definition if multiple SN curves were collected at different temperatures.

    If you choose the Temperature Field Variable while defining an S-N Curve material property, and you enter multiple S-N Curves (Cycles/Alternating Stress) for different Temperatures, the Fatigue Tool automatically uses the appropriate S-N curve for the interpolation based on the temperature at each node of the body.

    • The Fatigue Tool supports temperature dependent fatigue for Static Structural and Transient Structural analyses only, and not for frequency-based fatigue.

    • When you specify stress-life (SN) mean curve data with respect to Temperature and the Type property of the Fatigue Tool is set to Non-Proportional, the application uses an average temperature for the calculations.

It is possible to define multiple SN curves to account for different mean stress or r-ratio values. The values of mean stress/r-ratio values are only important if multiple curves are defined in the Engineering Data workspace and the Mean Stress Curves option is specified for the Mean Stress Theory property in the Fatigue Tool .

Linear/Bilinear S-N Curve

For a Frequency-Based Fatigue analysis, the S-N Curve material properties enable you to examine frequency-based fatigue formulations using either a linear or bi-linear curve for Stress (S) versus the number of life cycles (N). Material property options include:

  • Linear

    Use this definition for single slope SN curve data.

  • Bi-Linear

    Use this definition for when you have two sloped of SN curve data.

Refer to the next section, Fatigue Stress Life Versus Strain Life, for additional information about strain-life parameters.

Note that in Engineering Data, in the Display Curve Type drop-down menu, you can plot either a Strain-Life or Cyclic Stress-Strain curve.