8.3.2. Customizable Commands

RSM will invoke a custom implementation for the following commands:

Job-Specific Commands

File Storage Commands Submit Command

The submit command is invoked to submit a job to the cluster. The command should return as soon as the queuing system has taken ownership of the job and a unique Job ID is available.

The parsing of the output of the submit command is handled by the post command parseSubmit, which will look through all of the output from the submit script, find the Job ID, and return it in a formal manner. For details see Parsing of the Commands Output.

The custom integration infrastructure provides the Python script, ClusterJobs.py, in the [RSMInstall]\Config\scripts directory. The script serves as a layer of abstraction that allows a user-selected operation (such as a component update for one or more of the applications or a design point update) to be invoked without the need to be aware of the command line arguments and options required for the appropriate submission of the job.

In the Submit command, the ClusterJobs.py script should be invoked (rather than executing the individual applications). This Python script should be considered as a layer that builds the appropriate command line and sets the appropriate environment variables for the remote execution. The usage of application specific command line in the Submit script is strongly discouraged and cannot be properly supported in a general way.

For user convenience, the complete Python command that contains the job to be executed by the Submit command (for instance, by LSF bsub) is provided through the environment variable RSM_HPC_COMMAND.

Examples:  —  

  • Custom server examples for LSF, PBS Pro, SGE, and MSCC are located in the [RSMInstall]\Config\scripts\EXAMPLES directory.

  • A generalized custom client example (for all cluster types) is provided in the file submitGeneric.py, located in the [RSMInstall]\Config\scripts directory. queryStatus Command

The queryStatus command has access to the Job ID through the environment variable RSM_HPC_JOBID. Given a Job ID, the command should query the cluster for the status of the job and return the status of that job in string format.

The output of the queryStatus command should be direct output from the cluster. Any parsing of this output can be done by the post command parseStatus, which will look through all of the output from the queryStatus command, find the job status, and return it in a formal manner. For details see Parsing of the Commands Output.

Examples:  —  

  • Custom server examples are not provided for this command.

  • A generalized custom client example (for all cluster types) is provided in the file statusGeneric.py, located in the [RSMInstall]\Config\scripts directory. getAllStatus Command

The getAllStatus command is an optional command to implement that may improve performance in heavily loaded RSM installations.

The command should query the cluster for the status of all the jobs available and return the job status for each in a Python dictionary format, or add a post (parsing) command to convert the output into the format described in Required Output from Commands. If no jobs are running, a dictionary result should still be returned, but it should be “{-1:UNKNOWN}”. queryQueues Command

The queryQueues command is an optional command to implement that enables RSM to check if a queue specified by the user is a valid queue that can be used. This can prevent the submission of many invalid jobs.

Given a queue name, RSM_HPC_QUEUE, the command should check if that queue is valid for this user and return TRUE or FALSE as described in Outputting Variables from the Parsing Scripts and Required Output from Commands (checkQueueExists). getAllQueues Command

The getAllQueues command is an optional command to implement that allows RSM to let users use the Import/Refresh HPC Queues button when defining RSM queues in the RSM Configuration application, which will return a list of available cluster queues. If no command is defined for the cluster type, then the import function will simply not work, and users will need to input the cluster queue name(s) manually in order to run jobs on the cluster. Cancel Command

The cancel command has access to the Job ID through the environment variable RSM_HPC_JOBID. Given a Job ID, the command should invoke the cluster command to cancel the job.

No output is required from the cancel command. However, an output statement should be given for verification in the RSM log.

Examples:  —  

  • Custom server examples are not provided for this command.

  • A generalized custom client example (for all cluster types) is provided in the file cancelGeneric.py, located in the[RSMInstall]\Config\scripts directory. createStorage Command

The createStorage command is expected to create a storage location using the environment variable identifier RSM_HPC_FILE_REMOTE_DIR.

No output is required from the createStorage command. However, an output statement should be given for verification in the RSM log. deleteStorage Command

The deleteStorage command is expected to delete a storage location and all of its sub contents using the environment variable identifier (directoryName) RSM_HPC_FILE_REMOTE_DIR.

No output is required from the deleteStorage command. However, an output statement should be given for verification in the RSM log. uploadToStorage Command

The uploadToStorage command is expected to upload a list of files provided in the environment variable RSM_HPC_FILELIST from a local directory RSM_HPC_FILE_LOCAL_DIR to a storage location with the identifier (directoryName) RSM_HPC_FILE_REMOTE_DIR.

No output is required from the uploadToStorage command. However, an output statement should be given for verification in the RSM log when files are uploaded. downloadFromStorage Command

The downloadFromStorage command is expected to download a list of files provided in the environment variable RSM_HPC_FILELIST from a storage location with the identifier (directoryName) RSM_HPC_FILE_REMOTE_DIR to the local directory RSM_HPC_FILE_LOCAL_DIR.

No output is required from the downloadFromStorage command. However, an output statement should be given for verification in the RSM log when files are downloaded. listStorageContents Command

The listStorageContents command is expected to return the files found in the RSM_HPC_FILE_REMOTE_DIR that match the specifications listed in RSM_HPC_FILELIST while excluding any files that match the specifications listed in RSM_HPC_FILEEXCLUDE.

The format of the output should be a that of a stringified Python dictionary of the filenames along with other required information as shown in Required Output from Commands.