8.3. Writing Custom Code for RSM Integration

This section provides detailed information about the code that should be provided for custom integration with RSM.

The custom code can be in any form convenient to you, typically in the form of scripts or executables. Generally, scripts are used to wrap the underlying cluster software (for example, LSF) commands. You can review sample Python scripts in the [RSMInstall]\Config\scripts directory.

The scripts have access to standard login environment variables as well as environment variables that are dynamically set by RSM to provide information about job- and storage-related actions. A detailed description of the environment variables that the scripts can access is given in Custom Integration Environment Variables.

Each command has some environment variables provided that RSM expects the command will need in order to function as expected. Some commands have required outputs as well. If a command is being written as an entirely new script or executable to be used solely for RSM integration, then the desired inputs and outputs can be directly read and written from that script or executable. However, in most cases, the command is often something that is already written, and that has only predetermined command line options such as mkdir, bsub, qstat, and cp. In this case, RSM allows the use of pre and post commands in order to set up or parse some information from a basic command in order to provide the RSM output required.