2.4.1. Uninstalling the RSM Launcher Service for Windows

To uninstall the RSM launcher service on Windows, run the AnsUnconfigRSM.exe script.

  1. Log into a Windows account with administrative privileges.

  2. Ensure that Ans.Rsm.* processes are not running in the Windows Task Manager.

  3. Open a command prompt in the [RSMInstall]\bin directory.

  4. Enter AnsUnconfigRSM.exe -launcher into the command line.

  5. Run the command.

    • If you are using a Windows 7 operating system, you may need to select the Run as administrator option from the right-click context menu.

    • The uninstaller can stop the service only if it was started by and is owned by the user performing the uninstall.

  6. After the service has been uninstalled, delete the RSM installation directory.