MultiZone for Sweepable Bodies

If using Use MultiZone for Sweepable bodies, you can use the Show Sweepable Bodies setting to identify bodies that will be meshed using the MultiZone method. Although MultiZone can mesh other, more complex bodies, it does not attempt this unless you manually insert MultiZone mesh method controls.

Other notes about the behavior of MultiZone when meshed in this way:

  1. When meshing using Automatic approach, MultiZone uses Preserve Boundaries = All (Note this is different than the default when scoping a body to a MultiZone mesh method) and no defeaturing is done.

  2. If MultiZone fails to generate a valid mesh due to errors in the mesh quality or topology, the body will be meshed with Free Mesh Type = Tetra.

  3. Bodies scoped to an Automatic Mesh Method will also be meshed in the same way.