Polyflow Export

When you export a mesh file to Polyflow format (File> Export from the Meshing application main menu, then Save as type Polyflow Input Files), a mesh file with the extension .poly is created. The exported mesh file is suitable for import into Ansys Polyflow and supports the following features:

  • Named Selections - Named Selections that are present in the Meshing application will appear in the exported mesh file.

  • PMeshes - You can create Named Selections to specify specialized modeling conditions on edges for 2-D or shell geometry; and edges and faces for 3-D geometry. The exported mesh file will contain the mesh nodes and elements associated with those Named Selections in PMesh format. For more information, refer to Generating Meshes in Ansys Meshing for Polyflow.

  • Element types - Those that are supported in the exported mesh file are listed in the table below. Only linear meshes are supported for Polyflow export.

    DimensionSupported Element Type
    3D8–node hexahedral
    4–node tetrahedral
    5–node pyramid
    6–node wedge
    2D3–node triangle
    4–node quadrilateral

  • As an alternative to the export process described here, you can transfer a mesh from a Mesh system into a downstream Polyflow system.

  • If you change your mesh settings after generating the mesh and do not perform an Update, the mesh that is exported is the currently existing mesh (that is, a mesh that does not reflect your new settings). In such cases, a warning message is issued that indicates that the mesh you are exporting to Polyflow format has not been updated. If you want the latest settings to affect the mesh, perform an Update and export the mesh again.