Electromagnetic Material Properties

Linear "Soft" Magnetic Material

This category characterizes magnetic material assuming a constant permeability, that is, no saturation effects. Permeability is simply defined as the ratio of B to H: μ = B/H. Permeability is more easily expressed in terms of relative and free-space values: μ = μoμr. Free-space permeability, μo, is equal to 4πe-07 H/m. Relative permeability, μr is a multiplier of free-space permeability. Free-space permeability is defined internally within the program. You are required to supply a relative permeability value. This category is applicable to nonmagnetic material such as air, copper, aluminum. It can also be used as an approximation to magnetic materials when a B-H curve is not available. If the material exhibits constant properties in all directions (isotropic behavior) then select Relative Permeability and enter the appropriate value. If the material exhibits different permeability in different orthogonal directions (orthotropic), then select Relative Permeability (Orthotropic) and enter values for three orthogonal directions (X, Y, Z). By default, the global coordinate system is used when the material is applied to a part in the Mechanical application. If desired, you can apply a local coordinate system to the part. The material orthogonal properties align with the coordinate system assigned to the part. For orthotropic material properties, all property values must be entered for the model to properly solve.

Linear "Hard" Magnetic Material

This category characterizes hard magnetic materials such as permanent magnets. The demagnetization curve of the permanent magnet is assumed to have a constant slope. The demagnetization curve intersects the H axis at a value corresponding to the coercive force, Hc. The curve also intersects the B-axis at a value corresponding to the residual induction, Br. You must enter the Coercive Force and Residual Induction values. (Use a positive value for the Coercive Force). A permanent magnet is polarized along an axis of the part. By default, the global coordinate system is used when the material is applied to a part in the Mechanical application. If desired, you can apply a local coordinate system to the part. Align the X-axis of the coordinate system in the direction of the North pole of the magnet. The coordinate system may be Cartesian or cylindrical. A cylindrical system may be used for radially oriented permanent magnets.

Nonlinear "Soft" Magnetic Material

This category characterizes soft materials that exhibit nonlinear behavior between B and H. Select B-H Curve to enter nonlinear B-H data. The nonlinear behavior is described by a single B-H curve. You may create a curve by entering B and H data points in Engineering Data, or you may choose from a library of B-H curves for typical properties. For material exhibiting orthotropic behavior, you may also select Relative Permeability (Orthotropic). You may elect to apply the B-H curve in any one or all three orthotropic directions, and specify a constant relative permeability in the other directions. If you use the orthotropic option, you can apply a local coordinate system to the part in the Mechanical application instead of using the default, global coordinate system. When creating B-H curves, observe the following guidelines:

  1. The curve should be smooth and continuous.

  2. Extend the curve well beyond the operating location to accurately capture local high saturation levels. The slope of the curve should asymptotically approach that of free-space permeability. The program extrapolates beyond the end of the curve at a slope equal to free-space permeability if required during the simulation.

  3. Group data points around the knee of the curve for better curve-fitting.

  4. For best convergence of the simulation, the curve should approach the (0,0) point asymptotically. A new point in the curve near the curve origin may cause convergence problems.

Nonlinear "Hard" Magnetic Material

This category characterizes hard magnetic materials such as permanent magnets. The demagnetization curve of the permanent magnet is described by a series of B-H data points located in the second quadrant. Select Demagnetization B-H Curve to enter this data. The first data entry point should be at B = 0, H = -Hc. A permanent magnet is polarized along an axis of the part. In the Mechanical application, you can apply a local coordinate system to the part, instead of using the default, global coordinate system. Align the X-axis of the coordinate system in the direction of the North pole of the magnet. The coordinate system may be Cartesian, cylindrical. A cylindrical system may be used for radially oriented permanent magnets. When creating B-H curves, observe the following guidelines:

  1. The curve should be smooth and continuous.

  2. The curve may extend into the first quadrant.

  3. Group data points around the knee of the curve for better curve-fitting.


This category defines the electrical material models, including:

  • Anisotropic Relative Permeability

  • Anisotropic Electric Loss Tangent

  • Isotropic Resistivity

  • Orthotropic Resistivity

Choose your material properties based on how the material exhibits properties in orthogonal directions, either constant in all directions (isotropic behavior) or different in orthogonal directions (orthotropic). By default, the global coordinate system is used when you apply these properties to a part in the Mechanical application. If desired, you can apply a local coordinate system to the part. The material orthogonal properties align with the coordinate system assigned to the part. For orthotropic material properties, all property values must be entered for the model to properly solve.


This category contains the following material models.

  • Piezoelectric Matrix: This model is based on a matrix for tabular data. The model has the following properties:

  • Anisotropic Elastic Loss Tangent

  • Anisotropic Viscosity

Note:  If you change the Format property from IEEE to MAPDL, or vise versa, the application automatically clears any data you may have entered and does not perform a conversion.