Sample Libraries

Engineering Data provides sample material data categorized into several libraries. You must validate that the data is consistent with the material you are using in your analysis. If you are viewing the library in an analysis system, the contents of a material are filtered to that system (see Filtering Data).

The following libraries are included:

GRANTA Materials Data for Simulation,

This is a large library of hundreds of materials records encompassing many materials types and multiple types of constitutive/mathematical models. Use the new Mechanical materials interface to search and browse the available materials, view their properties, and assign the materials directly within your project.

General Materials,

General use materials and consists mostly of metals that can be used in various analyses.

Additive Manufacturing Materials,

Additive manufacturing material samples for use in additive manufacturing analyses.

General Nonlinear Materials,

General use nonlinear materials for performing nonlinear analyses.

Explicit Materials,

Materials containing data, specific for use in an explicit dynamics analysis.

Hyperelastic Materials,

Materials containing stress strain data which can be used to experiment with curve fitting (see the Curve Fitting topic). The data does not correspond to any particular material.

Magnetic B-H Curves,

Materials containing B-H Curve data, specific for use in a magnetic analysis.

Thermal Materials,

Materials containing data, specific for use in a thermal analysis.

Fluid Materials,

Materials containing data, specific for use in a fluid analysis.

Composite Materials,

Materials containing data, specific for use in a composite analysis.

GeoMechanical Materials,

Materials for use with geomechanical models.