Conversion Context Menu Options

  • Add Cleanup Features

  • Finish Cleanup

Add Cleanup Features

The Conversion feature supports the creation of most DesignModeler features as child features. After clicking on the Add Cleanup features, any new feature created from the DesignModeler menu or toolbar will be created as a child feature of the Conversion feature. This functionality can be used to organize features used for cleanup of converted bodies under the Conversion feature.

NOTE 1: While in the Add Cleanup state, notice that features below the Conversion feature are greyed out and the state of the model is rolled back to the last active feature.

NOTE 2: While clicking on the Add Cleanup button, the DesignModeler application changes the visibility of bodies such that bodies related to the Conversion feature are visible and all other bodies are invisible. When you exit the cleanup state, the visibility is restored back to the state the model visibility was in previously.

Additionally, while in this state, if you attempt to perform a project save or close the DesignModeler application, DesignModeler will automatically activate all visible features and perform a generate before continuing to perform the requested operation. Also while in this state, if geometry is transferred to a downstream application, DesignModeler will automatically activate all features and perform a generate before the transfer. At the end of the transfer the model will be restored back to the cleanup state that was active earlier.

Finish Cleanup

This context menu operation is available from the Conversion feature when you are in the cleanup state. After clicking on Finish Cleanup, any new features created will be appended to the bottom of the feature list as usual.