Right Mouse Button Context Menu: Select 2 pairs, Select multiple, New multiple select |
Use the Equal Distance constraint to select two pairs of edges. Each pair can be points, lines, or a point and a line. The two pairs do not have to be the same. Note that the constraint requires four edges (points or lines), one of which may be shared. If two lines are selected as a pair, they must be, and will be forced to be parallel if they are not already. The constraint ensures that the distance between the edges in the first pair is the same as the distance between the edges in the second pair. You can preselect a series of edges before selecting the function, and they will all become equally spaced. While in the function, you can use the right mouse button options to use the second selection "twice." This allows you to select three edges and make them all equally spaced. While in the function, you can also use the right mouse button option, Select multiple, and then select a series of points and/or lines. Just as preselected edges, they will all become equally spaced. For example, if you select five lines--A, B, C, D, and E--three constraints are created. The first ensures that the distance A-B is the same as B-C. The next ensures B-C is the same as C-D. The last ensures that C-D is the same as D-E. The result is a series of five equally-spaced lines.