
Multiple DesignModeler Application Sessions

You can have multiple DesignModeler application sessions running simultaneously. All instances of DesignModeler belonging to the same Ansys Workbench session will consume one license. If DesignModeler is open in two different Ansys Workbench sessions, then two licenses are required.

Shared Licensing

The DesignModeler application has the ability to run under several license keys, some of which allow for shared licensing among other applications. The above rule regarding multiple DesignModeler application sessions still applies with shared licensing – that DesignModeler will use one license for all instances of DesignModeler running within an Ansys Workbench session.

License Types

There are three license keys that the DesignModeler application can run with.

DesignModeler: This runs just the DesignModeler application. Each DesignModeler application running within the same Ansys Workbench project can share a single license.

BladeModeler: Allows the DesignModeler application and BladeGen to run simultaneously. The same license sharing rule applies, allowing multiple BladeGen sessions to also run under one license.

Academic: This license is a generic type that will allow practically any application to run under a single license, including the Mechanical application and CFX. The other running applications will often pause/unpause their applications, while the DesignModeler application will not.

Reader Mode for SpaceClaim

When importing DesignModeler agdb files into SpaceClaim Direct Modeler. DesignModeler can run without needing a license. By default, DesignModeler will check out its own license, given the licensing preference noted above. If no license is available, then it can still read the model data without the license in most cases. This is only applicable when importing DesignModeler geometry into SpaceClaim.