9.1.10. Glossary

The following definitions describe common terms used in BladeGen.




The distance along a streamline from the leading edge to the trailing edge. Usually expressed as a fraction between 0 and 1.


The distance between the hub and shroud, expressed as a fraction between 0 and 1.


The distance between two adjacent main blades (theta), expressed as a fraction between 0 and 1.


In the stream direction.


In the span direction.


In the pitch direction.

Hub Curve

The meridional curve nearest the centerline of rotation that defines the inner fluid flow surface.

Shroud Curve

The meridional curve farthest from the center of rotation that defines the outer fluid flow surface.


A meridional curve between the hub and shroud. Usually at a fixed span position.


Used to refer to the blade geometry data along a streamline. The definition is now extended to accommodate other curves that generally run in the streamwise direction.


A curve along the center of a blade, on a layer, where the surfaces of the blade are described by an offset on each side of the curve.


Same as Meanline.


The side of the blade encountered when moving from the meanline in the negative theta direction (right hand rule).


The side of the blade encountered when moving from the meanline in the positive theta direction (right hand rule).

Normal Thickness

The old term used to describe Normal Layer Thickness.

Normal Layer Thickness

The thickness applied along a vector on the layer surface and normal to the meanline.

Normal Camber Thickness

The thickness applied normal to the camber surface (normal to the meanline and spanwise curves).

Tangential Layer Thickness

The thickness applied along a vector on the layer surface in the tangential direction.

Working View

A working view is a view that is used to control the design. These include the Meridional, Angle, Thickness, and Pressure/Suction Views.

Auxiliary Views

A auxiliary view displays data for review but does not provide functionality to modify the design directly.