10.5.1. Writing a Neutral Data File (*.ndf;*.xml)

An NDF file defines one or more blades. It can be read by BladeEditor and by BladeGen.

You can write an NDF file from BladeEditor in different ways:

  • You can write an NDF file based on a FlowPath feature or Blade feature that currently exists in BladeEditor. The resulting NDF file represents blades using camberline thickness definitions or profile point definitions, depending on the specific command used. For details, see Exporting Currently Existing Blades to NDF Files.

  • You can export an NDF file based on each FlowPath feature, directly from Workbench's Project Schematic, by right-clicking the (DesignModeler) Geometry cell of a Geometry system, and selecting Export Blade Neutral Data Format. This can be done after importing or creating a DesignModeler geometry, but not while editing such a geometry. The resulting NDF file represents blades using camberline thickness definitions.

    The Export Blade Neutral Data Format menu command invokes the Write Neutral Data File dialog box, where you specify the name of an NDF file to write.

    One NDF file is written for each FlowPath feature contained in the geometry. Each NDF file is named using the specified file name followed by an underscore and then the respective FlowPath feature name.

  • You can write an NDF file based on a CAD geometry.

    For details, see Exporting Blades from CAD Models to NDF or Script Files. NDF File Export Details and Limitations

  • Sketch dimension is not supported

  • Sketch constraint is not supported

  • Parameterization is not supported

  • Although Milling Line Control properties are written to the NDF file, they are not supported in BladeGen.