11.5. Export to Ansys TurboGrid

BladeBuilder can export the geometry for meshing with Ansys TurboGrid.

The low fidelity geometry, which contains the basic blade shape as specified by profile point data, is always exported.

High-fidelity geometry, represented by CAD surfaces, can also be exported, depending on the workflow options.

To export the geometry to TurboGrid:

  1. Click the TurboGrid Export icon.

    The Save As dialog box appears.

  2. Specify a file name.

  3. Click Save.

    Discovery exports a TurboGrid Initialization (.tginit) file with a corresponding PartManager database (.pmdb) file. You can load the TurboGrid Initialization (.tginit) file into TurboGrid.

Limitations of Exporting to Ansys TurboGrid