Chapter 12: TurboGrid

Ansys TurboGrid is a meshing tool that is specialized for CFD analyses of turbomachinery bladerows. The documentation is available from the Help menu; the main documentation consists of:

To launch Ansys TurboGrid from Ansys Workbench, add the TurboGrid component system to your Project Schematic, then edit the Turbo Mesh cell of that system.

The geometry can be loaded from the File menu in TurboGrid, or it can be specified by linking a Geometry or Blade Design cell upstream of the Turbo Mesh cell.

In the case when data is transferred to a Turbo Mesh cell from a Geometry cell, the Turbo Mesh cell has properties that control this transfer. These, and other properties that control TurboGrid, are described in Table 12.1: TurboGrid Turbo Mesh Cell Properties. Before attempting to modify these properties, be sure to refresh the Turbo Mesh cell if it is in a Refresh Required state. Refreshing this cell causes the properties to be updated.

Table 12.1: TurboGrid Turbo Mesh Cell Properties




Geometry Selection

Flowpath Options

This property is applicable only when profile point data (not CAD data) is passed to the TurboGrid system.

This property displays a list of the available flow paths and bladerows. Use this information as a guide when specifying the Flowpath and Bladerow properties (described below). Use the Refresh command in the context menu to update the list after linking.


This property specifies which Flowpath feature in BladeEditor contains the bladerow that is to be loaded in Ansys TurboGrid.

Bladerow Number

This property specifies which bladerow (within the specified Flowpath feature) is to be loaded in Ansys TurboGrid.

Inlet Position Method

This property specifies how the inlet points are positioned in TurboGrid. The Manual option means you will specify these in TurboGrid. The Adjacent Blade option means the inlet points will be calculated using the upstream bladerow, specified below.

This property is available only when multiple bladerows have been specified in BladeEditor.

Upstream Bladerow Number

This property specifies the bladerow number for the bladerow that is immediately upstream of the current bladerow.

This property is available only when Inlet Position Method is set to Adjacent Blade.

Outlet Position Method

This property specifies how the outlet points are positioned in TurboGrid. The Manual option means you will specify these in TurboGrid. The Adjacent Blade option means the outlet points will be calculated using the downstream bladerow, specified below.

This property is available only when multiple bladerows have been specified in BladeEditor.

Downstream Bladerow Number

This property specifies the bladerow number for the bladerow that is immediately downstream of the current bladerow.

This property is available only when the Outlet Position Method is set to Adjacent Blade.

Ignore Upstream Blade Names

By default, when a TurboGrid (Turbo Mesh) component is connected to an upstream BladeEditor (Geometry) component, it uses the blade names given by the blade features, except when the Turbo Mesh component is created by the Create New > Turbomachinery Fluid Flow (BladeEditor) command. In this case, TurboGrid uses standard blade names. You can optionally force TurboGrid to use standard blade names by selecting the Turbo Mesh cell property Ignore Upstream Blade Names; you might want to do this, for example, when switching from BladeGen to BladeEditor as your geometry source within an existing Workbench project, in which case the downstream systems would be expecting standard blade names.


Inlet Domain

If this property is selected, TurboGrid will generate an inlet domain as part of the mesh.

Outlet Domain

If this property is selected, TurboGrid will generate an outlet domain as part of the mesh.

Minimum Face Angle

The minimum face angle of the mesh is displayed here.

Maximum Face Angle

The maximum face angle of the mesh is displayed here.

Mesh Output Options

Region Name Prefix

This property specifies a string of characters that is prefixed to all mesh region names when the mesh is written to file.

This property is blank by default. Note that when importing meshes into Ansys CFX-Pre, any duplicate mesh region names will be appended with numbers to make them unique.

Solution Process

Update Option

Controls how the update proceeds.

The options are:

  • Run in Background

    During a background update, the user interface allows other operations and updates on other cells to take place.

    Before running the Turbo Mesh cell in the background, ensure that all TurboGrid editors are closed.

  • Run in Foreground

    During a foreground update, the user interface strictly limits what you can do. For example, you cannot edit other cells.

During an update with either option, you cannot save the project or close Workbench. An error message will be displayed if you try to do so.

TurboGrid background update is not supported when using license sharing. Disable license sharing in Tools > Options > Project Management.

You can access a context menu for the Turbo Mesh cell in the TurboGrid component system by right-clicking the cell. Most of the commands that are available are standard, and are described in Cells in Workbench. The context menu commands that are specific to the Turbo Mesh cell are described in Table 12.2: Context Menu Commands Specific to the Turbo Mesh Cell.

Table 12.2: Context Menu Commands Specific to the Turbo Mesh Cell




This command opens TurboGrid and loads the geometry and state, regenerating the mesh if appropriate.

Edit with Topology Suspended

This command opens TurboGrid and loads the geometry and state, but suspends the Topology Set object. This command enables you to change mesh settings without having to wait for any automatic mesh regeneration processes.