6.3. Displayed Positions and Features

In the Graphical Window, the displayed positions of the structures, as well as the features included in the display, depend on the current selection in the tree view outline.

The table below summarizes which positions and features are shown for each selected object, where:

  • Geometric features are Fixed/Connection Points, Point Masses/Buoyancies, Discs, and Structure Axes.

  • Connections are Cables, Joints, Fenders, Catenary Joints and Joint/Fender Axes.

  • Environment Features are Currents, Winds, Regular/Irregular Waves, Structure Forces, and Cable Winches.

Table 6.4: Structure Positions and Features Displayed According to Tree Selection

SelectionStructure PositionsDisplayed Features
Project Model ConnectionsConnected positions (accounting for articulations between structures)
  • Included structures

  • Geometric features

  • Connections

GeometryGeometric positions (as defined in the original CAD geometry)
  • Included structures

  • Geometric features

MeshThe generated mesh (if up-to-date)
HD Analysis Type or Solution
  • Included structures

  • Analysis-specific features (for example, Wave Directions)

HD Structure SelectionAll structures (including those structures that may have been excluded in Structure Selection)
HR (Stability) Analysis Type or Solution
  • Unsolved: Connected positions, including Starting Positions

  • Solved, converged: Equilibrium positions

  • Solved, unconverged: Final iteration positions

  • Included structures

  • Geometric features

  • Connections

  • Environment features

HR (Stability) Setup ObjectsConnected positions, including Starting Positions
  • Included structures

  • Geometric features

  • Connections

  • Object-specific features (for example, Wind Direction)

HR (Frequency/Time) Analysis Type or Solution
  • Upstream unsolved Stability Analysis: Initial positions from upstream analysis

  • Upstream solved Stability Analysis: Final positions from upstream analysis

  • Stand-alone, unsolved: Connected positions

  • Stand-alone, solved: Equilibrium or final iteration positions

  • Included structures

  • Geometric features

  • Connections

  • Environment features

HR (Frequency/Time) Setup Objects
  • Included structures

  • Geometric features

  • Connections

  • Object-specific features (for example, Wind Direction)

The following sequence of figures are provided to illustrate the structure positions and features displayed during the Hydrodynamic Diffraction/Radiation and Hydrodynamic Response analysis of two connected vessels. These include:

Note that for illustration purposes:

  • A hinge articulation is defined between the vessels, with an initial rotation of 15° about the hinge axis.

  • A Current profile varying with depth, as well as an Irregular Wave, are added to the environment.

  • A Starting Position has been applied to translate and rotate the moored vessel about the mooring Connection Point, so that the starting conditions of the Stability Analysis are closer to the expected final positions.

Figure 6.3: Geometric Features Defined

Geometric Features Defined

Figure 6.4: Connections Defined

Connections Defined

Figure 6.5: Setting Wave Directions

Setting Wave Directions

Figure 6.6: Stability Analysis Starting Conditions

Stability Analysis Starting Conditions

Figure 6.7: Stability Analysis Final Conditions

Stability Analysis Final Conditions