6.4. Setting Aqwa Application Options

Once you have created your Hydrodynamics analysis system and attached a geometry, you can open the Aqwa Editor and set some options.

  1. Select Edit > Options from the Aqwa Editor window.

  2. Expand the Aqwa item in the tree.

  3. Select the Analysis entry. This panel allows you to set the following Solver options:

    • Aqwa Executable Location - location of the executable file for the Aqwa solver. You should not have to change this from the default setting.

    • Severity to Force Showing of Messages - level of error messages that will cause reporting to the Workbench Message pane.

    • Maximum Program Controlled Number of Cores - default number of parallel processing cores to use when the Analysis Settings Parallel Processing option is set to Program Controlled. For more information on how this value is used, see Setting Aqwa Parallel Processing Options.

  4. Select the Report entry. This panel allows you to customize the following report generation options:

    • Figure Options - whether figures sould be included in the report, and the default figure size.

    • Graphics Options - the default image size and resolution.

    • Table Options - which tables to include in the report, and the maximum number of rows and columns in any table. If the table size is greater than the maximum N rows/columns defined here, the table in the report will contain (approximately) equally-spaced entries up to N rows/columns.

    • Customization - specify the location of a folder for your own report-generating scripts. The folder contents should match that of installation_directory\aisol\aqwa\AQWAPages\report\.

  5. When you are finished, click OK. Click Cancel to discard your changes.

Note:  Option settings within a particular language are independent of option settings in another language. If you change any options from their default settings, then start a new Workbench session in a different language, the changes you made in the original language session are not reflected in the new session. You are advised to make the same option changes in the new language session.