5.2.3. Add Fixed Points

A Fixed Point is a non-moving attachment point defined as part of your geometry. Fixed Points are defined in the Details panel by entering coordinates in global space or specifying an offset from a vertex on a structure. The coordinates defining the Fixed Point can be parameterized. A Fixed Point does not move with any structure (even if it is initially defined as offset from a point on a structure). A Fixed Point can be used by more than one object (cable, fender, etc.), if required. The option to choose a Fixed Point vs. Connection Points on structures is controlled by the Connectivity field in the Details panel of the object using the attachments points.

To add a Fixed Point:

  1. Select the Fixed Points object in the tree view.

  2. Right-click the Fixed Points object and select Add > Fixed Point, or click the Fixed Point icon in the Fixed Points toolbar.

  3. Click the Fixed Point object and configure it with one of the following sets of information:

    • Set Definition of Position to X, Y, and Z Coordinates, and set the Position Coordinates (X, Y, Z) in the Details panel.

    • Set Definition of Position to X and Y Coordinates, Z on Composite Cable Seabed, and set the Position Coordinates (X, Y) in the Details panel. The Z coordinate is automatically determined from the Composite Cable Seabed definition in Geometry, so the Composite Cable Seabed Type must be set to Use Sea Geometry or Manual Definition for this option to be used.

    • Set Definition of Position to Vertex Selection. Click Select a Single Vertex in the Vertex field, select a vertex on a structure, and click Apply. You can then set an X Offset, Y Offset, or Z Offset from the vertex if needed.

Note:  For a catenary cable connected to a Fixed Point, it is assumed that the seabed for that cable is at the same depth as the Fixed Point (even if this does not match the Water Depth defined in Geometry). A catenary cable will typically not lie lower than the depth of the Fixed Point, unless there is a local negative seabed slope, in which case the cable section can be lower than the anchor node location.