6.2. View Slides

The View Slides option on the Navigation Bar starts the Slide Viewer (it can also be run independently of Autodyn).

The Viewer lets you load and view GIF and GFA animations.

Figure 6.1: Components of the Viewer's user interface

Components of the Viewer's user interface

View Window

This is where your animations are shown.

Pull-down Menus

  • File

    Enables you to load single GIF and GFA animation files for playback, and to exit the program.

  • Sequence

    Enables you to playback multiple GIF animations using sequence files.

    A sequence file contains a list of GIF animations you want to view consecutively.

    All the animations in a sequence file must be in the same directory as the sequence file.

    • New Sequence File

      Opens a new sequence file.

    • Open Sequence File

      Opens an existing sequence file.

    • Edit Sequence

      Enables you to insert and delete animations in the current sequence file.

      The following dialog window appears when you select this option:

      The box at the top of this dialog contains a list of the animations currently included in the sequence, together with their time delay (how long the first slide in the sequence is shown, in seconds).

      • Insert

        Inserts another animation immediately after the selected animation.

      • Delete

        Deletes the selected animation.

      • Delay

        Enter a time delay in this field (in seconds). When you Insert an animation, this time delay is applied.

      You can create and edit sequence files manually if you wish. Sequence files must have a .seq extension and use the following format:

      The number of animations in the sequence3
      Default frame delay in seconds + <space> + file name0.0 anim.gif
      Default frame delay in seconds + <space> + file name1.2 another.gif
      Default frame delay in seconds + <space> + file name1.6 yetanother.gif
    • Save As

      Saves the current sequence file (.seq)

  • Controls

    Provides the same functions that are available in the Control Bar.

Control Bar

Controls the playing of the GIF or GFA animation you have loaded.

Clicking a button on this bar performs the following actions (you can type the corresponding Hotkey as an alternative to pressing a button).

View Bar

This bar appears only when you have loaded a GFA animation.

The buttons on this bar let you control how you view your GFA animation and work in the same way as the corresponding icons in the Autodyn toolbar.

Frames Slider

Enables you to move quickly to any frame in the animation(s).

Speed Slider

Adjusts the playback speed for animations.


Check this box if you want the animation(s) to automatically start again from the first frame when the last frame is reached.