This window lets you zone a surface of the IJK region you selected (i.e. an index plane with I, J, or K constant) from nodes already defined along its four edges.
- I/J/K-constant
Select whether you want to zone a surface with a constant I, J, or K index.
- All
Select this option if you want to zone all six outer surfaces of the IJK range you have selected.
The dialog window will then look like this:
- Index (not for All)
The I, J, or K index for the surface.
- I/J/K-straight (not for All)
Select one of these options if you want surface nodes to be generated along straight I, J, or K lines.
- Plane
Select this option if you want surface nodes to be generated equipotentially in a plane.
- Sphere
Select this option if you want surface nodes to be generated equipotentially on the surface of a sphere (you will be asked to specify the center of the sphere).
- Geometric Ratios
Set geometric ratios in the fields provided if you want to grade the zoning instead of equally spacing the nodes.