10.1.1. Parts - New - Select Predef (2D)

This window lets you select the Predef you want to use for the 2D Part you are creating.

Click one of the six buttons at the top of this window to select your Predef :

  • Box

    This predef is a box with its axes parallel to the X and Y axes.


    X and Y coordinates of the lower corner of the box.

    Box Dimensions

    The dimensions of the box (DX, DY).

  • Circle

    This predef is a circle.


    The section you want to generate (Whole, Half or Quarter). This should match any symmetry planes you have defined for your model.

    Solid or Hollow

    A solid or a hollow cylinder.

    If you choose a hollow cylinder, you will have to specify inner and outer radii for the cylinder.


    The X and Y coordinates for the center of your circle.

    Outer Radius

    The outer radius of your circle.


    The rotation (in degrees) of your circle relative to the X-axis.

  • Ogive

    This predef is an ogive with its axes parallel to the X and Y axes.


    The section you want to generate (Whole or Half). This should match any symmetry planes you have defined for your model.

    Solid or Hollow

    Choose either a solid or hollow ogive.

    If you choose a hollow ogive, you will have to specify inner and outer radii for the ogive.


    The X and Y coordinates for the center of your ogive.

    End Radius

    The end radius of your ogive.

    Ogive Radius

    The ogive radius.

    Principal Direction

    The direction of the principal axis for your ogive.

  • Wedge

    This predef is a wedge with its lower edge lying on the X-axis. The wedge angle is automatically set by Autodyn.

    This predef is useful for running 1D cylindrical or spherical symmetric problems in 2D.

    Minimum radius

    The minimum radius of the wedge (this cannot be zero).

    Maximum radius

    The maximum radius of the wedge.

  • Rhombus

    This predef is a rhombus with its diagonals parallel to the X and Y axes.


    The section you want to generate (Whole, Half or Quarter). This should match any symmetry planes you have defined for your model.


    The X and Y coordinates for the center of your rhombus.


    The width of the rhombus.


    The height of the rhombus.

  • Quad

    Coordinates X1, Y1

    Coordinates of the first point of the quad.

    Coordinates X2, Y2

    Coordinates of the second point of the quad.

    Coordinates X3, Y3

    Coordinates of the third point of the quad.

    Coordinates X4, Y4

    Coordinates of the fourth point of the quad.