Random Vibration

The Random Vibration system determines the response of structures to vibration loads that are random in nature. The loads on a structural system may not always be known or quantifiable with certainty. Sensitive electronic equipment mounted in an automobile, for example, may experience slightly-different conditions each day, due to changes in engine vibration or pavement roughness, even if the same road is traveled. Since the input loads are described using statistical quantities, the outputs are said to be non-deterministic, meaning that the results can be known only within a certain probability.

This analysis is configured in the Mechanical application, which uses either the Ansys solver to compute the solution.

A Random Vibration analysis must follow a Modal analysis that extracts the natural frequencies and mode shape. Follow the instructions in Modal to build a Modal analysis system and then complete the following instructions to build and link a Random Vibration system.

Alternatively, you can select the Random Vibration custom system. This option creates a Random Vibration system template that includes both the Modal analysis and Random Vibration analysis system templates with the links pre-defined.

To work through a Random Vibration system:

  1. From the Modal analysis system, right-click the Solution cell and select Transfer Data to New > Random Vibration.

    Workbench creates a new Random Vibration system. The Engineering Data, Geometry, and Model cells are linked, and the Modal system Solution cell is linked to the Random Vibration system Setup cell.

  2. To open the Mechanical application, right-click the Setup cell in the Random Vibration system and select Edit, or double-click the Setup cell.

  3. In the Mechanical application window, complete your analysis using the application's tools and features.

    See Random Vibration Analysis in the Mechanical User's Guide for more information on conducting this analysis.

  4. On the Project tab toolbar, click Update Project.