
The Modal system determines the vibration characteristics (natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes) of a structure or a machine component. It can serve as a starting point for other types of analyses by detecting unconstrained bodies in a contact analysis or by indicating the necessary time-step size for a transient analysis, for example. In addition, the modal-analysis results may be used in a downstream dynamic simulation employing mode-superposition methods, such as a harmonic response analysis, a random vibration analysis, or a spectrum analysis. The natural frequencies and mode shapes are important parameters in the design of a structure for dynamic loading conditions.

This analysis is configured in the Mechanical application, which uses either the Ansys, ABAQUS, or Samcef solver to compute the solution, depending on which system you selected.

To work through a Modal system:

  1. To add a Modal analysis system, drag the system from the Toolbox to the Project Schematic or double-click the system in the Toolbox.

  2. To load the geometry, right-click the Geometry cell and select Import Geometry from the context menu.

  3. To view the geometry, right-click the Model cell and select Edit from the context menu or double-click the Model cell.

    Alternatively, you can complete this step using the Setup cell.

  4. In the Mechanical application window, complete your analysis using the application's tools and features.

    See Modal Analysis in the Mechanical User's Guide for more information on conducting this analysis.