Working with Project Reports

Workbench project reports generate a visual snapshot of your project. The contents and organization of the report reflect the layout of the Project Schematic, with sections for global project information, analysis system information, system cell information, and where applicable, content provided by applications in the project.

The report contains basic project information, including:

  • Export time and date

  • Workbench version number

  • A graphic of the systems as shown in the Project Schematic

  • File information

  • Parameter and design point information

  • System and cell information

  • Contents of notes

The specific information provided varies depending on the contents of the project.

Note:  At this time, DesignXplorer and CFD-Post are the only applications that provide the project report with detailed report content. Content for other applications is limited to the data visible at the project level (for example, in the Properties pane for the associated cell in the Project Schematic).

The report is written to the user_files directory under the project directory by default.

If the project includes parameters and report content has been provided by an application in the project during a design point update, then the design points table contains links to sub-reports for each design point. Detailed report content for each design point can be accessed by a hyperlink in the Report column of the design points table in the project report. Clicking the link opens a sub-report that contains the application-specific content for that design point (if available).