
From Tools > Options > Fluent, you can specify the following.

General options apply to all Fluent-based systems in the Workbench project, regardless of whether the system was created before, or after, the option is enabled. Note that these options are not saved with the project, and the settings are always applied to the currently loaded project.

Default options for new Fluent system apply to all newly created Fluent-based systems in the Workbench project. They can be overridden by editing the properties specified for the Setup and Solution cell. The settings specified in the Setup and Solution cell properties are always respected and saved with the Workbench project. Therefore, for previously saved projects, these saved settings are used.

General Options
Show Warning on Editing Setup if Solution Has Current or Initial DataWhen selected, displays a warning message when solution data exists and you attempt to open Fluent from the Setup cell.

When you open Fluent from the Setup cell, the mesh and settings file associated with the Setup cell are loaded into Fluent which may or may not be what you want.

The check box is selected by default.

Automatically Delete Old Solutions On Start Of New CalculationWhen selected, old solution data is automatically removed when starting a new computation.

The check box is selected by default.

Reuse Fluent Session for Design PointsWhen selected, reuses the Fluent session for other design point calculations. This option works with foreground parametric updates only.

The check box is cleared by default.

Default Options for New Fluent System
Show Launcher at StartupWhen selected, displays the Fluent Launcher when Fluent starts.

The check box is selected by default.

Display Mesh After ReadingWhen selected, displays the mesh after the mesh or case/data is read into Fluent.

The check box is selected by default.

Embed Graphics WindowsWhen selected, embeds the graphics windows in the Fluent application window.

When cleared, unlocks the graphics windows so they are free-standing.

The check box is selected by default.

Use Workbench Color SchemeWhen selected, sets the graphics window to the Workbench color scheme.

When cleared, sets the graphic window to the classic black background color.

The check box is selected by default.

Set up Compilation Environment for UDFWhen selected, allows you to specify compiler settings for compiling user-defined functions (UDFs) with Fluent.

The check box is selected by default.

PrecisionSets either the single-precision or the double-precision solver.
Enable Generation of Setup Output Case FileWhen selected, bypasses loading the mesh and setting files and reapplying the pre-set mesh operations every time the Setup cell is edited, resulting in faster runs.

This option is especially beneficial when computing simulations across multiple design points involving Fluent-related parametric changes. The Fluent solver automatically generates the output case file, name-Setup-Output.cas, every time you modify the mesh, set mesh operations prior to running the simulation in Fluent, or start a Fluent session with a mesh file only.

The generated output case file is used when launching the next Fluent session from the Setup cell if the regular case file is out-of-date or not available.

The check box is selected by default.

Enable Solution MonitoringWhen selected, allows you to be graphically view Fluent solution convergence and monitor data without having Fluent open.

Once this option is enabled, you can use the Show Solution Monitoring option in the Solution cell context menu to display convergence and monitor charts.

This check box is selected by default.

Enable Generation of Interpolation FileWhen selected, Instructs the Fluent solver to automatically generate an interpolation file, *.ip, at the end of the run. Unlike the *.dat file, the *.ip file can be used to restart the Fluent session, even if the mesh has been modified

This check box is cleared by default.