
From Tools > Options > Mechanical, you can specify the following.

Auto Detect Contact On AttachWhen selected, enables computed contact detection when geometry is imported into Mechanical.

This check box is enabled by default.

Save Mesh Data In Separate FileWhen selected, enables the default setting for the Save Mesh Data In Separate File property in Mechanical systems (such as Static Structural) for subsequently created Mechanical systems. The property setting controls whether mesh data is stored in a separate .acmo file for the current system.

Saving the mesh data in a separate file reduces the overall file space required and reduces the possibility of disc corruption in very large database files on Linux systems.

Connect/Run Python Code Objects When Mechanical is LaunchedWhen selected, connects to and runs Python Code objects after launching Mechanical.
Close Mechanical During Launch If No License

When selected, stops the Mechanical application from opening and displays a message if no license is available in the queue or if the license checkout process fails. Selecting this preference is beneficial when you are working with a large model that requires a lot of time to open.

. You can obtain license failure information in the licensing debug file. See the Getting Additional License Debug Information section of the Ansys Licensing Guide for more information.

When cleared, opens Mechanical in read-only mode.

Release License for Pending JobsSpecifies when the Mechanical application releases its license when running in batch mode:
  • On Demand: When the Solution cell for a Mechanical system is in the pending state during a batch run, the right-click menu has a Release License option. This closes the Mechanical application but does not interfere with the completion of the run. (Default)

  • Always: Causes the Mechanical application to automatically close and release its license during batch runs when the Solution cell is in the pending state.

  • Design Point Run Only: Causes the Mechanical application to automatically close and release its license during Update All Design Points runs when the Solution cell is in the pending state.

Maximize Design Point PerformanceWhen selected, causes Mechanical not to copy design point results data when parameters are changed in Mechanical simulations, as the design points are re-evaluated in those cases.

Note that no working directory files (such as macros) are copied, so to use this setting you must move any files that you have put into the working directory (the solver files directory) to the user_files directory.

Remote Job Status Check Interval in SecondsSets the number of seconds between each query to Remote Solve Manager for the Mechanical solution update job status. The default is 20. This setting only takes effect when the Mechanical solution is submitted to RSM.
During a design point update, periodically restart the Mechanical applicationWhen selected, directs the Mechanical application to automatically restart after the specified number of design points when running in batch mode.

Each restart resets the Mechanical application and slightly lengthens the processing time, but can improve overall system performance (memory and CPU) when the generation steps of each design point (geometry, mesh, solve, post processing) are long. In such cases, specify a low number of design points before restarts.

In cases where the generation steps for each design point are short, reduce processing time by increasing the number of design points before restarts or prevent restarts completely by disabling this preference.

Number of design points to update before restarting the Mechanical applicationSets the number of design points to update when the During a design point update, periodically restart the Mechanical application check box is selected. The default is 1.
Limit Number of Cores for Data Mapping and Post-ProcessingWhen selected, sets the number of cores used by the data transfer mapping, interpolation operations and result postprocessing to a user-specified value.
Maximum number of coresSets the maximum number of cores used when the Limit Number of Cores for Data Mapping and Post-Processing check box is selected. The default is 2.
Beta features selectionSelect one or more check boxes to enable Mechanical beta features in Workbench.