Solution Process

From Tools > Options > Solution Process, you can specify the defaults for many of the solution process properties of Solution cells. For projects with parametric design points, these settings also control the defaults for the design point update process setting for the Parameter Set bar. For more information on using these properties to submit a job to Remote Solve Manager (RSM), see Submitting Solutions to Remote Solve Manager.

Default Update OptionSets how the solution is run by default. Select from the following:
  • Run in Foreground: The solution runs within the current Workbench session.

  • Run in Background: The solution runs in the background on the local machine. This option is available only for Solution cells that support background execution.

  • Submit to Remote Solve Manager: The solution runs in the background either on the local computer or, if Remote Solve Manager is configured, on one or more remote computers. If you submit to RSM, the solution continues to run even if you close the current Workbench session.

If you have not defined configurations in RSM, or obtained configurations from your RSM administrator, see RSM Configuration in the Remote Solve Manager User's Guide.

Default Design Point Update OrderSpecifies the starting condition of each design point for design point updates. By default, when each design point is updated, the design point is initialized with the data of the design point designated as Current (except for retained design points with valid retained data, which do not require initialization data). However, in some cases it may be more efficient to update each design point starting from the data of the previously updated design point, rather than restarting from Current each time.
  • Update From Current: Causes each design point to be initialized from the Current design point. This is the default value.

  • Update Design Points in Order: Causes each design point to be initialized from the previous design point.

If you selected One Job for Each Design Point in the Default Job Submission field, the Default Design Point Update Order is applicable only if you also selected Geometry in the Pre-RSM Foreground Update field.

This setting takes effect the next time you create a new project. See Changing the Design Point Update Order for more information.

Show Advanced Solver OptionsWhen selected, enables the Interconnect and MPI Type parallel run settings available for Fluent RSM runs. These settings require that the remote compute servers can accept the Interconnect and MPI Type that you specify; compatibility is not checked automatically.
Retained Design PointSpecifies how an update is performed for retained design points. Select one of the following options:
  • Update parameters: Only parameters are updated for retained design points. If a component is not needed to get the value of an output parameter, it is not updated. This is the default value.

  • Update full project: Full project is updated for retained design points. Use this setting if you want to generate reports, or other content, from components that do not produce output parameters.

Default RSM Queue Sets the RSM queue that is selected by default when you select the Submit to Remote Solve Manager update option. The list of available queues depends on the configurations that are available in the RSM configuration directory. See Sharing and Accessing RSM Configurations in the Remote Solve Manager User's Guide.
Default Job NameSets the default name that appears in the Job Name field. The name must start with an alphanumeric character, must not contain spaces or the characters ! @ $ * ? \ and must not be longer than 15 characters.
Download Progress Information by Default When selected, enables the solver monitor to periodically query RSM for output files in order to display progress (where applicable).
Default Progress Download Interval (Seconds) Specifies the time interval, in seconds, between solver queries to RSM in order to display progress. The default is 30. Setting this value to zero (0) results in continuous queries; that is, as soon as files are downloaded from the compute server, Workbench immediately queries again. This option is available for CFX systems only.
Default Execution ModeSpecifies if you want the solution to run in serial or parallel mode. The default is Serial. The parallel option is available only if the selected solver supports parallel execution mode.
Default Number of ProcessesSpecifies the default number of processes to use if you choose to run in parallel mode. Must be set to 2 or greater.
Pre-RSM Foreground UpdateSpecifies how geometry is handled before submitting project updates to RSM. Select one of the following options:
  • None: Submits project updates to RSM without updating the geometry locally.

  • Geometry: Updates your geometry locally before submitting project updates to RSM.